Dose anyone wonder if Autism is the next stage of human evolution ?

It seems a lot of Autistic folks have shaped our world, maybe the stigma of autism is that normal people are scared of the evolutions next step.

We are not better than normal people, we are just different and that scares them, I know there is a spectrum where some people can cope better than others.

Its information overload which can be difficult to decipher.

I have recently self diagnosed with Autism, I think its caused by a  gene mutation in DAT1 which is over expressed as a dopamine reuptake channel. 
This means that dopamine, is sucked out of its receptor site before it can do its job, so this leads to anxiety for no reason and studies have shown anxiety affects memory.

So anxiety causes a cloudy head and difficulty in communication, which might make it hard for people as they don't know what to say, this becomes a negative feed back loop.

History’s 30 Most Inspiring People on the Autism Spectrum

  • About Russell Brand? No worries! It made me laugh!

  • Where did you read that?  Would be interested in reading it.

  • Its not, my GF friends grandmother told her that she shouldn't have kids because she has autism.
    Me and my GF found that very offensive and my GF told her friend she could have kids if she wanted too.
    People can be so crule or Ableist.. 

  • I had read that the genes that are associated with autism are specifically from neanderthal.  

    homosapiens mated with neanderthal humans their genes were passed down along with homosapiens genes in a mix but after generations of mixing if the majority have more neanderthal genes then they will exhibit neanderthal traits,

    so maybe we are not autistic but neanderthal. 

  • There could have been tribes or species that lived remotely and didn't need to communicate much. A bit like in Lapland (sorry to any Fins or Lapps). Other skills matter, because there's less face to face communication, its too cold and too remote. And people thrive on their own with animals for company.

    Apologies again if I've just generalised a race. It was easier with bees. 

    I'm off to bed, great chatting! Balloon 

  • I was reading about the origin of the species a few months back.  I had no idea how many different varieties of human had existed. It's not just neanderthals and Homo Sapiens.  It's a real fun thing to read up on.

  • Like bees that are solitary, being different species from bees that live in colonies? 

  • no offense taken, I just like to think a lot.

  • No I don't, 

    I think autism is not a disability, I have the idea that we are different because our ancestors were neanderthals and we are just a different type of human. 

  • Sorry Neo and Kitsune, for joking around. Hope it was not offensive. 

  • Very true I think i have the smarts but I lack the social skills, I had an idea that I could use crispr to repair the faulty DAT1 mutation.
    But that would require a retrovirus and so on in a saline bag with a IV line linked to my brain.

    I have read the papers and I could probably get the gene therapy stuff I need as its really cheap, the hard part and dangerous bit is inserting a probe into my brain and then inserting the gene therapy to repair my genes. (I wont do this though surgery is needed)

    I do wonder though if it worked would it make the bad parts of autism go away or would it make me normal ?
    I find social situations very dificult, but at the same time I don't want to lose my ability to think diffrently.

  • I think that some Autistic people are and have been capable of many great inventions etc over the years and it's good to view Autism in a positive light. However, my youngest daughter, who turned 3 today and is also diagnosed as Autistic. She is still pre-verbal and I think she also has intellectual delay. I imagine that she will need support for the rest of her life. Don't get me wrong, she's happy and healthy but sadly, I doubt that she will be remembered in history as a great inventor or anything. I just think that Autistic brains are wired differently and some of us do have very specialist skills in niche areas but not all. 

  • I didn't mean to sound dismissive. I just thought of that lame joke and needed to make it to be honest.  You may well be right. I wonder how long Autistic traits have been around?  I wonder if they existed in previous versions of humans or are merely a homo sapiens thing. It's definitely really fun to think about :) x

  • The weird thing is I also have a NF1 which is related to autism, having Children is not a thing for me its a personal decision,

    NF1 can make it difficult to  have kids as its genetic and is passed on,  the disease badly affected my brother physically and.
    sadly he recently died. Due to visits to the hospital my GF had me checked by a doctor for a diagnosis.

    Its just a thought, nature is trying to find the right combination, that's why there is a spectrum.

  • I WISH we were the next stage in evolution.  Would give anything to be Russel rather than me right now. haha

  • Hahaha you win post of the day. I can picture him now 

  • Well what would an evolutionary biologist say about people with Autism struggling to find partners?  Surely if we were the next stage in evolution every Aspie guy would be beating them off with a stick like Russell Brand?

  • ok, didn't think it could be harmful, ill read up on it to see why and try to be more understanding.

    My experiences of anxiety due to Autism, is neurological, which causes me to be what I would call my self an Observer, I don't say much I just watch and try and learn. communication can be difficult,

  • Hi. I'd recommend caution with applied behaviour analysis (ABA) websites - it's proven to be very harmful. 

    I don't want to put you off writing anything here, as it's always good to share experiences - I just wouldn't want anyone to come across content that might be misleading.