Migraines :(

I and my Aspergers son, suffer from Migraines which is considered as both genetic and caused by snxuety. I read an interesting article whuch said...

"Most doctors agree that migraine has a genetic component. Does this mean that there is also such a thing as a migraine personality? I looked at Hustvedt, so intense, so clever and so pale, and I wondered. In 1963 a doctor called HG Wolff characterised migraineurs as: ambitious, successful, perfectionistic, rigid, orderly, cautious, emotionally constipated, and driven"

Sounds like the perfect description of someone with Aspergers???

I tried all the prescriptive prevention medication but its my anti-depressant tablets which greatly reduce my attacks.

I was given Migramax, which is just a big dose of Aspirin and has limited effect. 

Does anyone have any prescription that they take before an attack?? In my case i continuously yawn before i get a Migraine. 

  • I have always had the classic migraine...aura, sensitivity to light, extreme vomiting (i cant move at all, even just my arm as i vomit). They gave me anti sickness meds but they didnt help. I've been given strong pain killers by a neurologist but they havent helped. The tramadol I reacted very badly to. I then had another type of migraine called hemiplegic....slurred speech, loss of the use of the left side of my body, confusion etc. The latter migraine was why I went to the neuro and had an MRI. I was found to have chiari (hind brain hernia). The only thing thats ever helped is the cefaly device but its so pricey. My old device lasted 3 years (£250 plus the pads are £20 for 3) its a device you put on your forehead and it feels like your brains being massaged inside your skull! it reduces and sometimes completly removes my migraine. My child also gets migraines sadly

  • The Cefaly device looks like a Tens machine for your forehead then? But as you say blinkin expensive! 

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