Migraines :(

I and my Aspergers son, suffer from Migraines which is considered as both genetic and caused by snxuety. I read an interesting article whuch said...

"Most doctors agree that migraine has a genetic component. Does this mean that there is also such a thing as a migraine personality? I looked at Hustvedt, so intense, so clever and so pale, and I wondered. In 1963 a doctor called HG Wolff characterised migraineurs as: ambitious, successful, perfectionistic, rigid, orderly, cautious, emotionally constipated, and driven"

Sounds like the perfect description of someone with Aspergers???

I tried all the prescriptive prevention medication but its my anti-depressant tablets which greatly reduce my attacks.

I was given Migramax, which is just a big dose of Aspirin and has limited effect. 

Does anyone have any prescription that they take before an attack?? In my case i continuously yawn before i get a Migraine. 

  • Well I think I'll ask try some Triptans which, you take as an attack starts.

    Luckily, I don't get Aura's b,ut my vision gets blurred and my nose gets blocked up. My heart thumps harder and faster (so taking beta blockers helps).

    I did try taking Topiramate, but still got Migraines (never lost any weight either!) :(

  • Well I think I'll ask try some Triptans which, you take as an attack starts.

    Luckily, I don't get Aura's b,ut my vision gets blurred and my nose gets blocked up. My heart thumps harder and faster (so taking beta blockers helps).

    I did try taking Topiramate, but still got Migraines (never lost any weight either!) :(

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