At what stage should i tell employer (advice needed)

Im currently going through the early stages of asd assessment, having filled out the RAADS14 and another form a few days ago and now waiting to find out if ill be considered for full assessment.

I also started with another new therapist for my anxiety a few weeks ago, and both this therapist and my previous one have both seperately said they suspect i have aspergers. 

Ive been having a lot of problems at work, im good at my job but really struggle with the people side of things, my line manager knows about my anxiety and therapy appointments, but noone else knows (not even HR or the MDs) 

This is because some people in my company are not very open minded about anxiety/depression and i have seen other employees with MH problems have issues with staff and eventually leave or be sacked. 

My new therapist is encouraging me to research reasonable changes im entitled to in the workplace, and to make my issues known, saying that asd would be treated more seriously and as my asd traits are apparently pretty obvious i should be entitled to reasonable changes/considerations in the workplace

my concern is im worried about telling work or other people that im waiting for an asd assessment, to then have the assessment and be told i do not have asd. Or that i need an actual diagnosis before i can reasonably request changes in my work environment/situation

Id really like to hear some opinions/experiences

Sorry for the ramble it turned into a bit of a brain dump

  • I have experienced disclosing my diagnosis to my boss so I will divulge my experience for you. 

    I was working in a customer facing role a greet and meet I was very good at this I knew my role, I was also supposed to be trained on the till but for months no one bothered  this is where it goes pear-shaped,

    The old boss left enter new boss 

    I was told I have two weeks till training never sat on a till In my life!

    Training was just do the job ie no training this was impossible for me therefore I disclosed. 

    The boss said its part of the job and I need to be on the till so I'll be sent to another branch to learn the till "a quiet branch".

    I was sent there and not trained instead put on a performance improvement plan.

    They had lyxit come out to do the assessment wich I was told by an aspire that it was there was of covering their asses before they fired me I thought he was exaggerating, turns out he was not. 

    Keep that in mind because with lyxit and a third party my pip was made 

    One of the rulse of the pip was that I had to keep eye contact with customers and lots more like this that hit right at my condition.

    Every day they bombarded me with all the thing I had done wrong  and then interrogated me asking if I thought it was fair on my colleagues that I worked there asking if I thought I was good at my job so on,

    this was all in writing to and they made me sign it.

    I still have the papers because I took photos on my phone when I asked if I could have time to read them before I signed even though I said I didn't want to and felt uncomfortable plus they disclosed my condition to other colleagues without asking or telling me. 

    I begged for training and I was told there wasn't sufficient staff to train me then I asked if I could be trained at another branch which I was piont blanch told No. 

    The harassment became so bad I had a nervous breakdown and quite but not before ringing my union which did nothing plus lyxit because they told my if this sort of thing happened they would help they did not I rang every one I could to help me and no one helped me and it has cause me serious anxiety issues and I believe has damaged me for life. 

    Somehow I don't feel like I have explained how much I suffered because of this but I have never disclosed again. Plus in a later job I had colleagues tell me they would kill themselves if they had autism so that's my experience. 

  • I have experienced disclosing my diagnosis to my boss so I will divulge my experience for you. 

    I was working in a customer facing role a greet and meet I was very good at this I knew my role, I was also supposed to be trained on the till but for months no one bothered  this is where it goes pear-shaped,

    The old boss left enter new boss 

    I was told I have two weeks till training never sat on a till In my life!

    Training was just do the job ie no training this was impossible for me therefore I disclosed. 

    The boss said its part of the job and I need to be on the till so I'll be sent to another branch to learn the till "a quiet branch".

    I was sent there and not trained instead put on a performance improvement plan.

    They had lyxit come out to do the assessment wich I was told by an aspire that it was there was of covering their asses before they fired me I thought he was exaggerating, turns out he was not. 

    Keep that in mind because with lyxit and a third party my pip was made 

    One of the rulse of the pip was that I had to keep eye contact with customers and lots more like this that hit right at my condition.

    Every day they bombarded me with all the thing I had done wrong  and then interrogated me asking if I thought it was fair on my colleagues that I worked there asking if I thought I was good at my job so on,

    this was all in writing to and they made me sign it.

    I still have the papers because I took photos on my phone when I asked if I could have time to read them before I signed even though I said I didn't want to and felt uncomfortable plus they disclosed my condition to other colleagues without asking or telling me. 

    I begged for training and I was told there wasn't sufficient staff to train me then I asked if I could be trained at another branch which I was piont blanch told No. 

    The harassment became so bad I had a nervous breakdown and quite but not before ringing my union which did nothing plus lyxit because they told my if this sort of thing happened they would help they did not I rang every one I could to help me and no one helped me and it has cause me serious anxiety issues and I believe has damaged me for life. 

    Somehow I don't feel like I have explained how much I suffered because of this but I have never disclosed again. Plus in a later job I had colleagues tell me they would kill themselves if they had autism so that's my experience. 

  • Omg that sounds awful! I dont blame you for not disclosing after that experience! Sorry you had to go through all that

    Im finding with my current diagnosis (GAD) that people dont really take it seriously and just expect you to snap out of it or miraculously recover after a few months, hence why i havent told anyone other than my line manager. It sounds like an asd diagnosis isnt much better in terms of employment protection :(