From an autism/disability perspective, who is the best party to vote for?

I'm guessing Conservative/Tories would be the worst choice, since they only care about the top richest 1%, and they are responsible for DLA changing to PIP and the disaster that is Universal Credit.

  • i can see everyone's point, but i think talking about these things is really important. my key objective is to try to save the NHS and by voting tactfully to overthrow the conservatives. my principles are with the green party but i am tactfully voting labour.

  • Look up PFI agreements - you might reconsider your position.

  • I'll be making my vote in line with my thoughts on the NHS and social care too (although other factors do hold some sway). 

    The history of PFI is troubling and, yes, it did take off under new labour (Tory lite?), but to my mind it originally grew out of changes made long before (starting with the Griffiths Report and the purchaser-provider split before eventually first being implemented under John Major's government). 

    Looking forward, I see nothing to suggest that the NHS will be safe under the Conservatives so I'll have to vote against them.  

  • I'll be making my vote in line with my thoughts on the NHS and social care too (although other factors do hold some sway). 

    The history of PFI is troubling and, yes, it did take off under new labour (Tory lite?), but to my mind it originally grew out of changes made long before (starting with the Griffiths Report and the purchaser-provider split before eventually first being implemented under John Major's government). 

    Looking forward, I see nothing to suggest that the NHS will be safe under the Conservatives so I'll have to vote against them.  

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