Christmas presents

Does anyone else find the whole present thing pointless ? Why doesn't everyone keep their money and buy stuff they want for themselves ?

So much pressure to find just the right gift and to respond to what you are given positively regardless of If you actually like it or not !

  • I  remember buying my father a pair of molegrips for Crimbo when i was young. I don't really think he appreciated it that much, but they are being used, 50 years later. It is probably best not to buy someone something because you really want to use it yourself. But I still find small practical presents the best. One of my favorite presents in recent years is a pocket sized implement for repairing spectacles, with an eyepiece key-ring to match. ;-)

    I'm fairly obviously dyspraxic, but I still really enjoy the challenge of getting things to work. It seems likely that I inherited dyspraxia from my father. I reckon he came from one of those families with too much engineering in their blood, and was deliberately encouraged to work in the financial sector because he was considered a bit too clumsy for the family foundry. Now I was crap at metalwork when young, but still I have a real enthusiasm for making things. Just don't expect my creations to be at all elegant.

  • I  remember buying my father a pair of molegrips for Crimbo when i was young. I don't really think he appreciated it that much, but they are being used, 50 years later. It is probably best not to buy someone something because you really want to use it yourself. But I still find small practical presents the best. One of my favorite presents in recent years is a pocket sized implement for repairing spectacles, with an eyepiece key-ring to match. ;-)

    I'm fairly obviously dyspraxic, but I still really enjoy the challenge of getting things to work. It seems likely that I inherited dyspraxia from my father. I reckon he came from one of those families with too much engineering in their blood, and was deliberately encouraged to work in the financial sector because he was considered a bit too clumsy for the family foundry. Now I was crap at metalwork when young, but still I have a real enthusiasm for making things. Just don't expect my creations to be at all elegant.

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