Christmas presents

Does anyone else find the whole present thing pointless ? Why doesn't everyone keep their money and buy stuff they want for themselves ?

So much pressure to find just the right gift and to respond to what you are given positively regardless of If you actually like it or not !

  • I've got most people who know me used to the fact that I neither give nor expect to receive presents or cards at Christmas (or any other kind of anniversary). It's not easy, though; partly because complaining about Christmas stress seems to be as much part of the ritual as any other for a lot of people, so people are apt to assume that I don't really mean it when I tell them that I don't want to participate.

    I do take advantage of the holidays to spend a little more time with people who otherwise have little to spare, and I'll congratulate or commiserate with people when something substantial has happened in their lives; but masking is hard enough without a load of added pressure to be in a festive mood at a time of year when my SAD is usually at its worst and I just want to hibernate. 

  • I've got most people who know me used to the fact that I neither give nor expect to receive presents or cards at Christmas (or any other kind of anniversary). It's not easy, though; partly because complaining about Christmas stress seems to be as much part of the ritual as any other for a lot of people, so people are apt to assume that I don't really mean it when I tell them that I don't want to participate.

    I do take advantage of the holidays to spend a little more time with people who otherwise have little to spare, and I'll congratulate or commiserate with people when something substantial has happened in their lives; but masking is hard enough without a load of added pressure to be in a festive mood at a time of year when my SAD is usually at its worst and I just want to hibernate. 

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