Accommodations at university?

Anyone have any experience or knowledge about what universities can offer to somone who is struggling to be on campus and attend any group work sessions?  I know they'll probably ask the question about what the persont hemselves would find helpful.  However, i'm afraid the answer is likely to be, "Switching to doing the course online!"   I'm guessing this is likely to be a non starter.  :( 

Parents Reply Children
  • Yes, I find it particularly galling when teachers and others in positions of authority either reinforce or ignore the bullying.  It seems to me that the rot is often systemic.  

  • Life is already difficult enough but people add to it in their own selfish, bullying ways.  One does wonder why humanity is so bad sometimes. Yes, there is bullying at school, bullying at ignoring at home-especially  when siblings get older (often, people with autism experience more bullying and ostracism by their siblings when they all reach adulthood because the other siblings realise-even if a diagnosis has not been made yet-that the person is different and they make …. sure that the person knows it with their bullying, mean comments, ostracism, exclusions).  It can be truly awful and incomprehensible what someone with a neurodevelopmental condition that they were born with has to go through because of other selfish people.  Teachers can also join in with the fun of bullying and then of course, if one ever gets to the workplace (which usually doesn't last long in some cases) one experiences bullying again.  They simply do not care.  Then one is glad that at least some of us actually care about other people's feelings a great deal and one consoles oneself with that fact.