not sure where to turn.

hi all,

Just want to tell you a bit about myself. I'm 45 years old and always had a feeling something is not right. At school I couldn't deal with large classes of 30 plus and was consistently getting in trouble and ended up being expelled from 2 high schools and banned from all schools in my county. I ended up going to a boarding school with specialist staff and classes of only 5. I found this quite easy to deal with. I have always struggled with big groups of people and have always had a small group of friends. I can't cope with waiting in line for things or crowds. 

Work has always been okay of I have a routine and stick to it. Any changes to my routine I struggle and can have what i call mini episodes where I fear the worst case scenarios will happen. About a year ago I got promoted at work to a manager and my routine completely changed. This led to me nearly quitting the job and going back to my comfortable routine. I didn't as I had some really supportive colleagues who have helped me so much. What people have noticed is if I get a task I focus on that and nothing else is important until that is completed. I also obsess with getting things done and hate leaving things. I can be at home stressing about things at work that are not really that important to deal with but my head says they have to be done. 

I think when I was young in the 80's I was just classes as a naughty kid and that was it. It's only now some people at work I trust and tell them some of the things I feel say that it may be worth going to a doctor and see what they say. Sorry for the long post at this time of night but I'm starting to threat about it and want to talk to someone. 

  • Hi Plastic,

    I completely agree with you.

    I was diagnosed at 40 (8 years ago) when my son was going through his diagnosis. I'm an engineer and fully focused on my work, completing my work to a high standard and far quicker than anyone else. I also see other colleagues as incompetent who only want to cut corners and leave early.

    I've just gone through some hardship at work where my Manager blamed me for something which he done which I advised against him doing. To save his own skin he blamed me and now I've been demoted as a result. I challenged this but all I was told was to play the game? whatever that is and it's who you know not what you know.

    It's left quite a bitter taste in my mouth.

  • i was mercilessly bullied by my manager but I was not in a position to leave.   Just had to suck it up - for many years..

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