
Ok, there's a decent chance this one's just me, but I'm curious.

I don't get art. I understand making it as an outlet, and I can appreciate beauty. However when I look at a painting/sculpture etc, I don't 'feel' anything. Either it looks pretty or it doesn't, it's done with skill or it's not. This seems to span all genres/movements.

As this is a sort of perception thing, and to do with connecting emotionally, I wondered whether it may be ASD related. Does anyone else feel the same? Negative responses welcome as this is just a point of interest, I'm not looking for reassurance.

  • Interesting question!

    I can get quite "lost" looking at abstract sculpture (statues rarely interest me) and abstract or impressionist paintings, or photography. As others have said, music of all types has a direct effect on my mood & energy level. I *like* poetry, bit don't always "get" it fully.

    I'm rarely impressed by "representationalist" (?) paintings apart from marveling at the effort that goes into them.

    I can also get quite touched in an indefinable way by *really good* dance (solo, doubles or troupes) or solo singers - but it's damned rare! Most dance that I see on TV seems to ignore the music to my untrained eye.

  • Interesting question!

    I can get quite "lost" looking at abstract sculpture (statues rarely interest me) and abstract or impressionist paintings, or photography. As others have said, music of all types has a direct effect on my mood & energy level. I *like* poetry, bit don't always "get" it fully.

    I'm rarely impressed by "representationalist" (?) paintings apart from marveling at the effort that goes into them.

    I can also get quite touched in an indefinable way by *really good* dance (solo, doubles or troupes) or solo singers - but it's damned rare! Most dance that I see on TV seems to ignore the music to my untrained eye.
