What is the easiest way to explain aspergers to someone who has never heard it before?

Hello everyone.

My nephew who is five asked me what aspergers is the other day. I actually found myself unsure what to say. Truth be told, I have found that most adults struggle to understand, let alone a child.

What is short, succinct sentence that I can use for both children and adults? Rather than a technical explanation, is there a metaphor or analogy that could best describe aspergers?

Suggestion please. Thank you.

  • The best analogy I've heard is that people with Autism/Aspergers wear a different set of glasses to everyone else. We all view the same world, but those with Autism/Aspergers perceive and experience it in a different wayx

    Much love <3

  • Former Member - it is more than just glasses as it is someone's senses are different (Touch, Taste, Smell, Vision, Hearing as well as Space and Balance).

    Then there is the processing of these that can be sometimes different (The cat in the hat is a cartoon character wearing a black/white striped hat but it could also be a small cat sat/led in a Top/Bowler hat).

  • Former Member - it is more than just glasses as it is someone's senses are different (Touch, Taste, Smell, Vision, Hearing as well as Space and Balance).

    Then there is the processing of these that can be sometimes different (The cat in the hat is a cartoon character wearing a black/white striped hat but it could also be a small cat sat/led in a Top/Bowler hat).

  • I started thinking a few years ago that it was strange people didn’t seem to be getting so angry about the environment as me and that people were just telling me to ignore things and I couldn’t understand how people were just ignoring things.  It was quite a revelation to find out just how different peoples senses are.  In the past I’ve walked with my fingers in my ears as discreetly as possible so people didn’t call me weird, and worn a hat pulled down as much as possible to help with brightness and so much information.  I watched a video last week showing the difference in someone with autism walking down the street and someone without.  No wonder other people haven’t got angry or tired out by everything.