Baffled by assessment

I had my assessment yesterday and im really struggling to understand it. I went in totally blind without reading any info about how the assessment may be. 

They already had a 2 hr conversation with my mother over the phone abiut a year before my assessment. I had loads of questionnaires to fill out to take to my actual assessment too. 

When i went in there it lasted 30 mins. She told me before we started that i would have this assessment today and have another app in 6 weeks. I asked her what the other app was and she said it was a app for the diagnosis. 

I think my assessment went bad. She talked alot about useless stuff, asked me to discribe emotions, asked about bullying, friends, colleagues. She gave me 4 tasks. A task with a pattern i had to make and then asked what it looked like. A task showing her how to brush my teeth, a picture book task and i got given 5 objects to create a story with. She also gave me like a oldstyle radio and toys to play with whilst she caught up on her notes which i didnt touch.

I couldnt do the last task and she seemed to get very ticked off by it. I have no imagination anyway but when im nervous my mind goes totally blank and i just couldnt come up with some story about 5 unrelated random objects. 

Im wondering if what im describing is normal? I went in hoping they would ask more about my experiences and my childhood and why i do certain things. I came out feeling like id been treated like a child and wasted 30 mins of my time. I feel deflated that i waited four years for a 30 min talk and im unsure how i can be diagnosed when theyve only spoke to me for 30 mins. 

  • I too found it odd :) the shape thing was easy, then was asked what it looked like - I said it's just a shape! . The Psychologist said that young people think it looked like a sword or dagger - I said I guess so. The pretend tooth brushing I did a bit half baked and gave a running commentary. The story book made no sense and I came to grinding halt on that one. I was shown a picture of an Italian family eating outdoors. I say Italian because I said the trees looked those of Tuscany (the physchologist said she thought the same and I was the first to remark on it. I didn't make any comments on the family in the foreground, making cooments about small details in the background. I was asked some questions like "why do people get married" to which I answered because they must like each other. The story with 5 items was very short and the Physchologist's story had quite a few issues, like a shark swimming in a lake. I was thinking the lake would probably be fresh water and how would a shark get in the lake in the first place. But I kept a polite silence :) 

    My final assessment is on Tuesday, so hopefully I'll get my diagnosis confirmed. Although if they say I don't have Aspergers when a Physiatrist said I did is going to leave me in a right crisis! 

  • Good luck for Tuesday.  

    'Because they must like each other' haha.  I think I said something similar, after thinking about it for a while.  I thought the assessors story was stupid as well, she was using objects pretending they were other things and I just thought it was dumb.

  • Good luck for Tuesday.  

    'Because they must like each other' haha.  I think I said something similar, after thinking about it for a while.  I thought the assessors story was stupid as well, she was using objects pretending they were other things and I just thought it was dumb.
