Different accent

Wondering if anyone else has this I'm English, lives in England, parents sound English but I sound South African or Austrailian depending on who you ask. Weird right? Is this something to do with the autism?

  • I dunno. It might be ASD related. I've been diagnosed with Aspergers when I was 6 and I am 16 now. I've always been picking up new accents. I grew up in London and so everyone here as a strong Southern English accent however a lot of people say I sound Australian or that I have a British accent but the rhythm and the way I structure my sentences sound American. I find when I'm around Americans or Canadians, I seem to pick up their accent and I have to force myself to keep my British accent to avoid awkwardness - my brother would make fun of the American accent. There are certain words I do pronounce that sound American but I dunno, it may be ASD related as I seem to be switching accents all the time. I think it just depends on the individual and if you have ASD that contribute to it because I saw a documentary on autism a couple of years ago and a boy kept switching accents due to his autism - no 2 people are the same but it can be related to autism :) 

  • I dunno. It might be ASD related. I've been diagnosed with Aspergers when I was 6 and I am 16 now. I've always been picking up new accents. I grew up in London and so everyone here as a strong Southern English accent however a lot of people say I sound Australian or that I have a British accent but the rhythm and the way I structure my sentences sound American. I find when I'm around Americans or Canadians, I seem to pick up their accent and I have to force myself to keep my British accent to avoid awkwardness - my brother would make fun of the American accent. There are certain words I do pronounce that sound American but I dunno, it may be ASD related as I seem to be switching accents all the time. I think it just depends on the individual and if you have ASD that contribute to it because I saw a documentary on autism a couple of years ago and a boy kept switching accents due to his autism - no 2 people are the same but it can be related to autism :) 

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