Failed autism test...

But I have major communication problems and when I watch videos of people with autism speaking about their communication problems it hits home with me, a video I watched yesterday even made me realise why I always pull my phone out to play with/look at when I'm speaking in appointments etc. Never understood why I done that but now I realised it kinda helps me speak a little better.

I have no light/sound sensitivity or anything like that, only the communication problems. They say it's down to social anxiety but I'm not sure.

Is it possible to be autistic with only communication problems?

I failed the test and the psychiatrist said it's just anxiety.... but I don't understand how anxiety can cripple your communication skills as badly as mine every day in life

  • You failed the autism test, lucky you, meaning you will have to look elsewhere for the reason to your struggles, where perhaps instead of seeking a neat little box to rest on, you might start looking at ways to control your anxiety.

    A Diagnosis is for the purpose of treatment and given there is no treatment for adult autism, it's a worthless diagnosis and even a limiting diagnosis for are you aware of just how such a diagnosis can limit you in adult life, beyond the potential for adopting issues that are not your own to bear through the post diagnostic ' education and community ' of which if you are anything like myself, you might undo all your carefully crafted coping strategies to end up worse than you were before diagnosis.

    But though there is no treatment for adult autism, there is treatment for conditions autism might cause like say for example anxiety and/or depression.

    And verbal communication, sometimes in this  overly noisy world, where everyone thinks they must be exercising their jaw muscles constantly for no one to be listening to one another it's just restorative to settle into  the beauty of silence and observation.

  • You failed the autism test, lucky you, meaning you will have to look elsewhere for the reason to your struggles, where perhaps instead of seeking a neat little box to rest on, you might start looking at ways to control your anxiety.

    A Diagnosis is for the purpose of treatment and given there is no treatment for adult autism, it's a worthless diagnosis and even a limiting diagnosis for are you aware of just how such a diagnosis can limit you in adult life, beyond the potential for adopting issues that are not your own to bear through the post diagnostic ' education and community ' of which if you are anything like myself, you might undo all your carefully crafted coping strategies to end up worse than you were before diagnosis.

    But though there is no treatment for adult autism, there is treatment for conditions autism might cause like say for example anxiety and/or depression.

    And verbal communication, sometimes in this  overly noisy world, where everyone thinks they must be exercising their jaw muscles constantly for no one to be listening to one another it's just restorative to settle into  the beauty of silence and observation.

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