Advice needed please!

Hello everyone,

I am in need of your advice. I’m a 29 year old teacher and I’ve suffered from depression and anxiety for a number of years. I’ve been through CBT and on anti-depressants but I don’t feel like it’s made much of a difference. I feel that these conditions are stemming from the fact I might have Aspergers. I’ve always struggled with social situations and reading adults (I’m fine with understanding children), and I feel that it’s getting worse as I’m getting older. I had a massive disaster at work today all because I misread the situation and then didn’t understand why people got angry. I feel the world is an overwhelming place, every day seems to be getting more difficult. I struggle with change and I won’t drive to places I don’t know. I have to have a routine and if anything changes I get anxious/angry. 

What do you think I should do? Please can you help me because I feel that it’s getting worse and I don’t know who to turn to. 

Thank you. 

  • Hello Arlia.  Like you, I have waited a long time and been misdiagnosed with all sorts of conditions before autism was suggested.  CBT and antii-depressants never worked for me, for reasons that I now understand.  I also struggle with social situations, but am fine with children, or adults with learning disabilities.  I just feel like I'm on a different wavelength with people like that.  Normal people are incomprehensible to me.  I simply cannot understand or comprehend what drives them.

  • Hello Arlia.  Like you, I have waited a long time and been misdiagnosed with all sorts of conditions before autism was suggested.  CBT and antii-depressants never worked for me, for reasons that I now understand.  I also struggle with social situations, but am fine with children, or adults with learning disabilities.  I just feel like I'm on a different wavelength with people like that.  Normal people are incomprehensible to me.  I simply cannot understand or comprehend what drives them.

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