Sources of start-up funding for small business run by ASD person


Does anyone have advice on sources of start-up funding to set up a small business? I'm wondering if these is any funding available specifically for autistic/disabled entrepreneurs.


  • Glad I'm not alone, I feel my daughter isn't being supported in mainstream school, not enough support during lessons as she only has a ta she don't have a key worker, she has a few friends but they don't understand her needs, ie no detention because home work isn't done (too much information set for home work or just don't understand whats being asked). Being bullied in school when told by hospital why she can't  do PE no evidence given and forced to continue to do activities by teachers and friends who don't understand ASD Needs.

  • Glad I'm not alone, I feel my daughter isn't being supported in mainstream school, not enough support during lessons as she only has a ta she don't have a key worker, she has a few friends but they don't understand her needs, ie no detention because home work isn't done (too much information set for home work or just don't understand whats being asked). Being bullied in school when told by hospital why she can't  do PE no evidence given and forced to continue to do activities by teachers and friends who don't understand ASD Needs.

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