
Hello Everyone

I would like to know people's experiences of what medications they have tried which have helped for mixed anxiety and depression.

I feel I need something, as does my Mental Health Team but I am hyper-sensitive to all the drugs I've tried and their side effects. At the moment I am struggling through with Lorazepam on an ad hoc basis to get me through really bad days but this loses it's efficacy quite quickly. I had to persued the psychiatrist to prescribe it again and I can understand why they are only looking at this as a very short term help until we can come up with something more long term.

Risperidone has been suggested, but I tried Quetipine once and a tiny dose kept me in bed until midday and made me feel even more depressed. I don't want to take any of the anti-psychotics because of their really shocking side effects. I do not want to add more problems to have to cope with.

It's really sad that I need medication to be able to cope with 'conventional' life with all the socialising and communication that's needed, and that if I was wealthy enough to live the life I need to live to be at peace, I doubt I would need it.

Replies appreciated,


  • I take venlefaxine and the smallest possible dose of quetiapine an hour before bedtime. It does seem to work in that the venlefaxine is the best antidepressant I’ve tried - it really works for me but it stopped me sleeping, the quetiapine at bedtime stops that being a problem.

    I know what you mean about life. I too feel that if I could live an appropriate (very peaceful, no people!) lifestyle I wouldnt need them. Sigh! I’m trying to think of a way to make that happen without winning the lottery. 

  • I take venlefaxine and the smallest possible dose of quetiapine an hour before bedtime. It does seem to work in that the venlefaxine is the best antidepressant I’ve tried - it really works for me but it stopped me sleeping, the quetiapine at bedtime stops that being a problem.

    I know what you mean about life. I too feel that if I could live an appropriate (very peaceful, no people!) lifestyle I wouldnt need them. Sigh! I’m trying to think of a way to make that happen without winning the lottery. 

  • Thanks zomted, what dose of quetapine do you manage? Had venlefaxine too and that was more vicious than the fluoxetine for me. if you do think of a way to make that lifestyle change happen, let me know and probably everyone else on the forum too.