Social services removing children from parents with ASD


I am an autistic adult who is a parent. Since having my daughter I went through a terrible time with social services who set me up to fail and removed my daughter from me because I have a diagnosis of autism. It took me two years to fight for my daughter back and through this time social services and Cafcass used the so called deficits of my autism to justify the removal and to stop the return of my daughter. Thankfully the judge saw through this and returned my daughter concluding in her judgment that I parent my daughter to a high standard. 

I want to know how many my adults will autism who are parents have been through a similar situation. How many parents with ASD and other disabilities and or impairments are being targeted by social services and having their children removed? If you have experienced this please tell your story because the current system is outrageously discriminative against parents who have a disability and or impairment and I would like to raise awareness of the current failures within the current child protection system which is targeting parents with disabilities and or impairments so that change can happen. 

  • I'm sorry to say the DHSC has no responsibility for social care services.

  • have you spoken to a lawyer?

  • Good for you. Make 'em pay! 

    Speaking as an old bloke, unless you nurse these things, even the sharpest most horrible experience fades over time.

    Some monetary settlement however, will vindicate you, hopefully cause a reassessment of practice and if you use it right, improve some aspect of your lives. 

  • Myself and my daughter are currently going through the long litigation process against the LA seeking damages for violating our human rights. Although nothing will undo the damage that they have caused both of us. 

  • IF your child was taken from you for those super important 11 months, that is what is known (IIRC) as a "Tort" in law, and you should ask for compensation, separately for you and your child as separate plaintiffs.

    I am NOT in any way qualified to give you this advice, but MY O/H did a law degree, and I got as much out of it as I could in terms of understanding the underlying concepts and machinery.

    Your post "triggered" me, as does this whole subject of modern day "childcare". 

    MY single experience of S/S is when as a newly single 56 year old ADD person (didn't know about the aspergers then, and the relationship I later returned to, had hit a rocky patch so I had just moved into the cheapest flat I could find) I ended up tasked with looking after my daughters abused, vulnerable, self harming, bonkers, 17 year old mate. S/S/ after a brief inspection of my flat left us a couple of carrier bags of miscellaneous food and hooked her up with whatever bennies she was entitled to.

    Fortunately, Jesus Intervened and made it possible that after six months of living with me and my Cat, she was able to stop the self harming stuff, straighten up her shoulders, dump the weird ideas that lead to self harming, and having seen a how a halfway decent (I smoke dope and casually exceed 100mph when I deem it not criminally insane on safety grounds, so I can't claim to be respectable or fully decent!) male Christian role model acts, and leave my flat with her shoulders back and head up and get a (by all accounts, I've not kept in touch directly) half decent life with the kiddies and everything. 

    My point, if anyone was wondering, is that we seem to have lost our way as far as parenting goes, when "parenting instinct" is devalued and replaced with "Society" which seems to want to intrude more and more in one of the most basic and intimate human relationships, that that exists between a human and their child and replace it with "Experiments in human behaviour" and then fails to do it well. That kid who SS allowed to be dumped on me, was very lucky, I could have been anyone... (And the stuff I learned through her, about the male role models in her life was deeply, deeply, disquieting, and almost made me ashamed to be a bloke).

    I find my morality and defence of traditional values & models to be constantly under attack these days, but the traditional Ideas that were instilled in me about what it means to be a man, and our duty to protect the weak etc, and "provide" clearly were not instilled in any of the men who she encountered... But that's what happens when you forget what sex is actually, really, all about. It's not the jollies, or the endorphins, it's about making babies and bringing them up to be better humans than you were. 

    Oh god, I wrote my thoughts down again. I hope it goes well this time..Slight smile

  • I am so sorry and saddened to hear that you have gone through this. Due to lack of understanding, absence of tailored support autistic parents are having their human rights violated by social services and the family courts. I started this conversation over 4 years ago because my 7 week old baby was forcibly removed, I was lucky enough to have been able to prove that social services deceived the court at the time of my baby's removal and my child was returned at 18 months old. I have created artwork about my experiences as an autistic mother.

    Trying to raise awareness of the failings within the current system relating autistic parents is vital, we need to speak out. I am too frightened to have anymore children as an openly autistic mother in the UK. It should not be this way!!!!! 

  • social services took my children because of my aspergers diagnosis

  • I wish they'd removed me from my autistic dad. The sound of a child crying causes him to melt down, which he would express by getting violent. I know I would be exactly the same but thankfully have managed to avoid having kids.

  • Hello I got my children  removed by social services because of they saying they have autism they also put for adoption  one child 

  • Where I get advocate services do you know the number 

  • Hello I got my children  removed by social services because of they saying they have autism they also put for adoption  one child 

  • That's horrible. Being a parent seems to be one thing people tell me I did well.

  • Children are removed from autistic parents. Up until recently there has been limited research into autistic parents, this has resulted in autistic parents being unfairly treated and their parenting ill-judged by professionals not to mention historical damaging research which focused on so called autism deficits. It has been highlighted in research by Blakemore 2015, United Kingdom Human Rights Committee report which highlights human rights violations against autistic parents within child protection and the family Courts. Thankfully more research is coming out about the strengths autistic parents have to offer their children. 

  • And if her ASD was misdiagnosed as schizophrenia or some other disorder? Because that is a thing that’s happened before.

  • Hi.. there is absolutely no way your kids were removed because you have a ASD diagnosis. 

  • Yes. I’m autistic but got told I had personality disorder and had my son removed from my care in2018. Can’t get him back. Despite trying. It’s the pD more than autism diagnosis they use against me as well as  saying my sons autism is too complex for me to manage. 

  • I have massive sympathy for you, in that situation, but there is a lesson to be learned here. 

    Stay the hell away for "Authority"!

    Be it government, police, social services, and recently the medical profession, they all see US as their property to do with as they see fit.

    The act of "disengaging" is character building as it makes you more self reliant, and less plagued by prats. At least until they get us into a hot war with Russia as they seem hell bent on doing right now. You might THINK you NEED these people, because you have been trained and conditioned to all your life, via the idiot box in every "programme" they serve up, and of course it starts at school, where "compliance" is rewarded handsomely and independent thinking firmly discouraged.

    These people who set themselves as authorities are not doing it because they like serving us...

    Yes, I do meet the odd one who is trying to "serve and protect", but they are the tiny majority.

  • It is easier to apply to a First Tier Tribunal such as SENDIST if one is a litigant in person.  Using the regular court system is expensive, and these days Legal Aid is far less available than it used to be.

  • My partner went through exactly the same thing, it took six months to get their baby back. The child is still under the parental responsibility of the grandparents, that’s the only way the courts would allow the child be returned. We now want a child of our own but we aren’t sure if that baby will then be taken into care like the first was. All because the parent has autism, yet is a fantastic parent and has not put a foot wrong. Discrimination is exactly what it is, and ignorance of what autism is.