5 Days left to live. What would you do?

I am potentially at huge risk from midday, next Wednesday. If you only had 5 days left to BE, to EXIST, what would you do? 

  • Go on the holiday of a lifetime. Why worry about anything serious if I only have 5 days left? May as well enjoy them as much as I can.

    Hope all is ok? Huge risk doesn't sound good!

  • Why worry about anything serious anyway? What exactly does worry add to the situation? Just curious  ~ does it help in a way that if you didn't worry the solutions would never be found? It's just that for me, I found that if I worried about a situation, it didn't change anything and I couldn't find a solution because my head was too full of worries. So I gave it up and don't bother with it anymore. 

    And why not enjoy every day you have on this planet as we never know which one will be our last? 

    I find it curious that people would enjoy five days but not the whole of their lives! 

  • And why not enjoy every day you have on this planet as we never know which one will be our last? 

    Because life simply isn't like that for huge numbers of people.  Why would people commit suicide if every day of their lives was enjoyable?

  • Life is the same for everybody, there isn't one life for one person and another for somebody else. Everybody who is alive has life in them and even if somebody had a gun to their head, they can still choose how to feel in that moment. Granted, we all choose to live our lives in different ways, so from the outside, our lives may all look different but we all have the same life and the same choice as to whether we enjoy it or not. People commit suicide for all sorts of different reasons, usually, I would guess, because they're not in their right mind, or they're ill and they decide they would rather be dead than live with the illness. I suppose, thinking about it now, it comes down to whether we're in control of our minds or not. If we're in control of our minds, we can choose how we want to feel but if we're not in control of our minds then I guess we're at the mercy of outside influences and so we feel however other people want us to feel or we let our outer circumstances dictacte how we feel. I guess that's what you're talking about, some people live their lives from the outside in so they have no choice as to how they feel and some people live their lives from the inside out and choose how they will feel. 

  • Life is the same for everybody, there isn't one life for one person and another for somebody else. Everybody who is alive has life in them and even if somebody had a gun to their head, they can still choose how to feel in that moment. Granted, we all choose to live our lives in different ways, so from the outside, our lives may all look different but we all have the same life and the same choice as to whether we enjoy it or not. People commit suicide for all sorts of different reasons, usually, I would guess, because they're not in their right mind, or they're ill and they decide they would rather be dead than live with the illness. I suppose, thinking about it now, it comes down to whether we're in control of our minds or not. If we're in control of our minds, we can choose how we want to feel but if we're not in control of our minds then I guess we're at the mercy of outside influences and so we feel however other people want us to feel or we let our outer circumstances dictacte how we feel. I guess that's what you're talking about, some people live their lives from the outside in so they have no choice as to how they feel and some people live their lives from the inside out and choose how they will feel. 

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