Tolerance to Pain

I have been diagnosed as autistic/Aspergers

I don't seem to feel pain the same as most people. I am a beekeeper and regularly get stung and although I does hurt it doesn't seem to bother me. I once got stung over 100 times at once. I also cycle competitively and have suffered various injuries whilst racing including broken ribs where I have carried on regardless

When I was a kid I was always falling into stinging nettles or getting scratched on barbed wire

I also like extreme tasting foods - espresso coffee, vindaloo curry, extra hot chilli sauce, grapefruit juice etc

I thought that autistic people had sensory issues and are extra sensitive to pain which is the opposite to me

Are these autistic traits? when I had my diagnosis my assessor didn't think so but I'm not so sure


  • I also cycle competitively and have suffered various injuries whilst racing including broken ribs where I have carried on regardless

    I did BMX first, Skate Boarding and then Down-Hill Mountain-biking, but hated being sponsored as a skateboarder so did not bother as a mountain biker. I am so not competitive and being sponsored made it a job that took the fun out of it. But I have slammed so hard on so many occasions only to find out later I had broken stuff and whatnot ~ so I totally know what you mean.

    When I worked at a Restaurant I used to like snacking on chillies, and the head chef for a laugh got a special order in for the hottest chillies known, and they expected me to go down a burning death ~ but they really were the best and most refreshing I had ever had. Because I was the only one who could eat them I got the whole lot! Bonus! :-) 

    I have completely forgotten the name of the curry now but it was not made in this country as it was too hot for the western body supposedly, and if you ask for it and they will make it ~ I have had it free on numerous occasions because they did not believe I could eat it and if so it would be on the house. Bonus again! :-)

    Hard knocks school of Aspergenics pros and cons :-)

  • Last year I was called to collect a swarm of bees hanging 20 feet up in a tree.

    when I got to the site it was a residential street. I got the ladder off the car and a box and climbed up to the swarm. By now there were about 20 people watching from a safe distance. I got the box under the swarm of bees and shook the branch that they were attached to. Suddenly the branch snapped and I lost my balance and fell from the ladder, I landed on my side and my head bounced off the pavement. I got straight back up and pretended I wasn't hurt. I had a massive cut on my head. Someone wanted to phone for an ambulance but I said I was ok. That night I couldn't sleep and felt sick. The following morning I went to work, my collegues said that I was acting strangely and my speech was slurred so I got taken to the hospital. I was ok the next day and yes I did get the bees

  • I got the ladder off the car and a box and climbed up to the swarm. By now there were about 20 people watching from a safe distance. I got the box under the swarm of bees and shook the branch that they were attached to. Suddenly the branch snapped and I lost my balance and fell from the ladder, I landed on my side and my head bounced off the pavement. I got straight back up and pretended I wasn't hurt. I had a massive cut on my head. Someone wanted to phone for an ambulance but I said I was ok. That night I couldn't sleep and felt sick. The following morning I went to work, my collegues said that I was acting strangely and my speech was slurred so I got taken to the hospital. I was ok the next day and yes I did get the bees

    I never fell out of a tree, but I used to climb the biggest ones I could find during thunder storms as I was actively suicidal as a teenager on account of seizures and bullying, and the skateboarding and biking meant I could put myself at risk ~ with the moral and ethical that I could attempt death, but the trick came first and foremost.

    Anyway, not too unlike what you describe, went skateboarding to a particularly good city for things to do on skateboards, and there was a marble topped wall that was four* foot high that only a few top pros had ollied (jumped) on and ground along on the trucks. So everybody was up for me to pull it off as I was one of the big ollie brigade, and as I cracked the tail down and the board went vertical I swept it up and horizontal with my feet and missed the edge and landed all four wheels on the top of the wall ~ and me leaning back just a little too much, no traction on the wheels and slipped and did a 540 degree rotation five feet high and dropped straight down on my head.

    Blood was all over the place so I found what turned out to only be a small cut, applied pressure and it soon stopped. Everybody was amazed I had done a flat board landing on the top of the wall ~ and the 540, and they thought I should of been dead with the head impact.

    Anyways, carried on skating in the city for several hours, not noticing anything unusual, and then went to a concrete drainage ditch that most skaters visit like spiritual types visit stone circles. It takes major effort to work the banks there, and I was finding it unusually hard but it did not dawn on me that I had serious concussion ~ until I saw the film footage of the day later that week. My skating style after the slam was sluggish and stubborn ~ rather than before driven and dedicated. 

    * Four foot was previously recorded as five foot ~ as I am really bad with numbers (dyscalculia) and have to go for vague near figure approximations.


  • I got the ladder off the car and a box and climbed up to the swarm. By now there were about 20 people watching from a safe distance. I got the box under the swarm of bees and shook the branch that they were attached to. Suddenly the branch snapped and I lost my balance and fell from the ladder, I landed on my side and my head bounced off the pavement. I got straight back up and pretended I wasn't hurt. I had a massive cut on my head. Someone wanted to phone for an ambulance but I said I was ok. That night I couldn't sleep and felt sick. The following morning I went to work, my collegues said that I was acting strangely and my speech was slurred so I got taken to the hospital. I was ok the next day and yes I did get the bees

    I never fell out of a tree, but I used to climb the biggest ones I could find during thunder storms as I was actively suicidal as a teenager on account of seizures and bullying, and the skateboarding and biking meant I could put myself at risk ~ with the moral and ethical that I could attempt death, but the trick came first and foremost.

    Anyway, not too unlike what you describe, went skateboarding to a particularly good city for things to do on skateboards, and there was a marble topped wall that was four* foot high that only a few top pros had ollied (jumped) on and ground along on the trucks. So everybody was up for me to pull it off as I was one of the big ollie brigade, and as I cracked the tail down and the board went vertical I swept it up and horizontal with my feet and missed the edge and landed all four wheels on the top of the wall ~ and me leaning back just a little too much, no traction on the wheels and slipped and did a 540 degree rotation five feet high and dropped straight down on my head.

    Blood was all over the place so I found what turned out to only be a small cut, applied pressure and it soon stopped. Everybody was amazed I had done a flat board landing on the top of the wall ~ and the 540, and they thought I should of been dead with the head impact.

    Anyways, carried on skating in the city for several hours, not noticing anything unusual, and then went to a concrete drainage ditch that most skaters visit like spiritual types visit stone circles. It takes major effort to work the banks there, and I was finding it unusually hard but it did not dawn on me that I had serious concussion ~ until I saw the film footage of the day later that week. My skating style after the slam was sluggish and stubborn ~ rather than before driven and dedicated. 

    * Four foot was previously recorded as five foot ~ as I am really bad with numbers (dyscalculia) and have to go for vague near figure approximations.

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