Fired because of aspergers issues now looking for new job

I recently got my dream job as a Python Developer and at first it was really great, but after a few weeks I had to declare I was on the autistic spectrum because my boss kept taking the mickey out of me infront of my colleagues at daily standup meetings when I asked questions where he thought the answers were "obvious". I had to take to take him aside and explain that I do need to ask questions and the answers aren't obvious to me, but he responded by giving me a really massive project to do that involved learning a great deal. I managed it, but it took me six weeks and during that time he had increased the level of ridicule so I was having regular anxiety attacks infront of everybody and making a lot of errors because I couldn't concentrate. Things came to a head when they brought the whole team on a work getaway to Menorca that I really didn't want to go on. I had meltdowns in the airport on the way there and on the way back and felt I was going to lose my job because of them. The week after we got back I managed to complete the task and was fired immediately. I had been expecting it but I was not expecting to be informed the same day and told to leave my keys to the building. I did not really understand what was going on and I felt really awfully let down after all those group exercises about how we were a family.

Now I don't know what to do and my anxiety is driving me crazy. I'm failing tech tests I should pass and employers aren't being accommodating about adjustments at interview - one in particular is demanding I make a video of myself explaining my work and this is not something where I feel I understand what I'm being tested on - I don't want to be a presenter, I want to be a coder.

I'm going crazy. If I don't get a job before Christmas I won't be able to feed myself or my cat - my cat is the reason I've stayed alive really and I don't want to live without her. I don't want to go on Universal Credit either because I'm sick of the jobcentre. They are not subtle about how much they hate people like me and I don't like being around people who despise people who need help.

  • Thankyou I think I will try and get some help from CA - I had asked for a 'Reasonable Adjustment' which was not forthcoming so I think I have a case?

  • Well being a python developer is a great skill set and in demand. (I teach students to code in Python). Can you talk to Citizens Advice re workplace bullying and wrongful dismissal. Did you receive warnings before they fired you? Lay a support plan in place etc etc.

    Try agencies also for employment also. You may also be able to work from home.??? You don’t need with tech nowadays to actually be on site - Skype, email etc  

  • Welcome to the club.  As a fellow Universal Credit claimant. I understand how you feel because I was fired not so long ago for having slightly unusual behaviour and body language.  And it's back to the job centre and all the hassle.  

    My mental health advisor has put me in touch with a 'social justice ' team associated with the job centre . In theory they shouldn't be too strict about the 35 hour work seeking commitment. 

    You are not alone.  And please look after the cat.