Have you got a favourite mug?

Have you got a favourite mug? This is one of mine.

  • Bought for my mathematician daughter but kept for myself (bit selfish!)
  • I love numbers but get maths anxiety (so full of contradictions!) 
  • My ginger 'fresh' tea is 2 years out of date (frugal streak!) 

Do share your favourite mug - photo or description - I find mugs fascinating 

  • I always use the same cup every morning for spring water to take with my medications.

    Then I regularly use these two for tea and coffee throughout the day.

    I bought them a few years ago at a French motorway service station.

  • These mugs are so charming! I am very impressed that you have kept them intact for several years. I find the type of mug or cup really affects my enjoyment of the drink - the worst for me being plastic or Tupperware cups. They seem to taint the contents and there is no aesthetic pleasure to be gained from looking  at them. 

  • The size of mug changes the taste as well, to big and not sweet enough, too big and the tea seems to be weaker, even after a longer  brewing time, 

    Exact volume to tea sugar milk ratio must be adhered to Lol.

  • Names for the part of the spoon that joins the bowl to the stem: neck, shoulder, transition, curve, bend, bolster

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