Autism roots

Hello all

I was musing the other day on the roots of autism and two things struck me:

  1. Does there have to be a single root cause for autism or could there be more than one mechanism?
  2. Could there actually be two "human" species on the planet?

So both are potentially controversial theories and please we are trying to only look at scientific information and not conspiracy theories, my reason for saying this will become very clear in a moment.

Looking at the first point, whilst it had been comprehensively shown scientifically in multiple studies that there is not a direct link between vaccines and autism, and the original "research" that started that whole controversy was unscientific and unethical, there are still some important questions that remain. Autistics for instance, are far more likely than the neurotypical population to have a range of autoimmune medical conditions, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is interesting as there is a small risk with every vaccination of an autoimmune reaction. Hence there is an interesting question as to why autistics are more autoimmune disease prone and does this make them more disposed to a vaccination reaction? So whilst they already had autism do the traits come out post vaccination due to an autoimmune reaction or is there not link or something more sinister? 

As for two species, we know that all, but people of direct African decent, modern humans contain some neanderthal DNA. IS it possible though that autistics contain some other neanderthal DNA that makes them more neanderthal than human, hence two species in effect. We know that humans and neanderthals did copulate ad have cross-species babies, so its possible that they "live on". Think also what happens when one crosses a horse and a donkey, so what happens if one crosses a neanderthal and a human? Before dismissing it, think about it, think about the possibilities and what we could represent.



  • Please Andy, writing absolute.nonsence. - Autism is a syndrome, it is not al illness you cant Catch it, You can't Cure it.,

    It is the absolute Media interest Piffle of the Musings of your mind that some susceptible people, such as people with autism ( Not autistics ) might pick up on..My son aged 35 has been severely  autistic from the day he was born. I have had to fight for him, since then. People with autism have a devastating  condition. That can vary from Not being able to comprehend any Language despite being able to read and Write it, but not understand what they have written or read, or to imagian they are the result of interbreeding of early homkinoids. We are all the result of whatever was in the world before that. Infact we are all the result of Space dust. and at that the mind is open to consider anything.

    I have been as gentle as possible with your musings which is your perogative, you are entitled to believe anything.

    You are presumed to be on the Spectrum, Because I believe you are searching for what caused your autism. In the manner my very severly autistic son teaches himself to read at the age of 7 putting his 11 year old Brother to shame,and to pull his socks up. while not understanding what a word of what he has read or communition is about, for instance an autistic person may not understand "to Pull up their socks.". My son has been known to watch Bart Simpson in Russian - He does not understand Russian , but he is word perfect in the Simpsons, simply because he has seen the same cartoon hundreds of times.- The same goes for Bugs Bunny, Dangermouse etc.

  • I’m sorry but I am not sure how best to reply to you, given that this entire thread has been about exploring a number of intriguing possibilities as to the origins of Autism. Like everyone with Autism on here, I’ve had Autism since birth. If you read my post carefully I am not looking fir a cure, far from it as it makes me who I am. I also stated categorically that I was not reopening the MMR debacle. What was being discussed was the question as to whether there has to be a single cause for autism, or whether people could have some sort of genetic trigger that made them predisposed to developing autism. If one looks at identical twins for instance, it’s possible that one may have and one may not have Autism. Why is that? It raises some interesting possibilities and questions. Similarly, we think of ourselves as one human species but could there be several sub-species? It’s an interesting area that most people have been willing to consider, as why does there have to be a single cause of Autism?

    As for your other extremely judgemental comments. Yes I do have Autism, but no I am not searching for why that is, as I know my mum had it. I am simply having a grown up scientific debate with likeminded people where any view put is preferably accompanied and backed by scientific evidence. The autism Spectrum Disorder is wide and varied, from as you say non-verbal to those that appear normal. So why lash out at someone on the spectrum? Do you know the harm that your venomous words could do to me, no you don’t, so why write with such vitriol? If this site is to about sharing ideas and thoughts then what is it about? Does every non-mainstream post risk polluting other autistics minds, despite mainstream can sometimes be wrong? It is only by people asking questions and theorising that humankind moves forward and develops. 

    The only thing in your entirely unnecessary, unhelpful and hurtful post i am intrigued by one is your insistence on referring to Autism as a syndrome when it’s a developmental disorder and the majority of a time it’s referrred to as a disorder, including by the National Autism Society.

  • I’m sorry but I am not sure how best to reply to you, given that this entire thread has been about exploring a number of intriguing possibilities as to the origins of Autism. Like everyone with Autism on here, I’ve had Autism since birth. If you read my post carefully I am not looking fir a cure, far from it as it makes me who I am. I also stated categorically that I was not reopening the MMR debacle. What was being discussed was the question as to whether there has to be a single cause for autism, or whether people could have some sort of genetic trigger that made them predisposed to developing autism. If one looks at identical twins for instance, it’s possible that one may have and one may not have Autism. Why is that? It raises some interesting possibilities and questions. Similarly, we think of ourselves as one human species but could there be several sub-species? It’s an interesting area that most people have been willing to consider, as why does there have to be a single cause of Autism?

    As for your other extremely judgemental comments. Yes I do have Autism, but no I am not searching for why that is, as I know my mum had it. I am simply having a grown up scientific debate with likeminded people where any view put is preferably accompanied and backed by scientific evidence. The autism Spectrum Disorder is wide and varied, from as you say non-verbal to those that appear normal. So why lash out at someone on the spectrum? Do you know the harm that your venomous words could do to me, no you don’t, so why write with such vitriol? If this site is to about sharing ideas and thoughts then what is it about? Does every non-mainstream post risk polluting other autistics minds, despite mainstream can sometimes be wrong? It is only by people asking questions and theorising that humankind moves forward and develops. 

    The only thing in your entirely unnecessary, unhelpful and hurtful post i am intrigued by one is your insistence on referring to Autism as a syndrome when it’s a developmental disorder and the majority of a time it’s referrred to as a disorder, including by the National Autism Society.

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