Are there any other relationship services beyond Mencap's "Relationships and sex" support service?

The immigration law firm that is helping me is building a humans rights case.

Each time I give them an answer, the answer hasn't been good enough. On the other hand, I just remembered one of the core reasons why I want to be here instead of somewhere else:

Mencap's relationship services.

I recognize that relationships are hard and challenging. I have watched one of my cousins go through a divorce and a brutal custody battle to be a father to his kids. My own sister had to deal with her narcissistic husband. She had to temporarily move back in with me and my parents to send a message that his behavior was not okay.

I know marriages are not like a never-ending honeymoon. They come with hardships.

It is so important to me to have this kind of support that I am willing to leave my country and family behind. 

Are there other services or organizations that help people with disabilities with the relationships, or marriages they forge?

  • I'm not convinced you fully understand how the NHS works with regards to your plans to become approved by them with the NeurOptimal programme and Wellbeing coach ideas. It will not happen.

    Your posts read like you are a one man "Rescue Mission" with all the theories but no idea how to actually work with the agencies creating the percieved problems.

    There is also the charity Relate that focuses on relationship, couples and marriage counsellling in the UK.

  • I found someone to get Wellbeing coaching from. When I read through her program, it explained that I would end up getting certified with certain programs that are affiliated with the NHS.

    I just want to stop obsessing about my country and start focusing on my life. 

    Your posts read like you are a one man "Rescue Mission" with all the theories but no idea how to actually work with the agencies creating the percieved problems.

    That's because I am focusing on what is going to enable me to stay here first. I have to start with me. If I put all those theories first before me, I'm not working on own immigration. Once I'm here to stay, I'll start working on networking. I know it is going to take a lot more than just one person; its finding the organizations that work on stuff like that. The WBO, World Bank Organization, has publicly stated that the United States is headed in the direction of triggering a Great Depression. I'm going to have to start there anyways.

  • I found someone to get Wellbeing coaching from. When I read through her program, it explained that I would end up getting certified with certain programs that are affiliated with the NHS.

    I just want to stop obsessing about my country and start focusing on my life. 

    Your posts read like you are a one man "Rescue Mission" with all the theories but no idea how to actually work with the agencies creating the percieved problems.

    That's because I am focusing on what is going to enable me to stay here first. I have to start with me. If I put all those theories first before me, I'm not working on own immigration. Once I'm here to stay, I'll start working on networking. I know it is going to take a lot more than just one person; its finding the organizations that work on stuff like that. The WBO, World Bank Organization, has publicly stated that the United States is headed in the direction of triggering a Great Depression. I'm going to have to start there anyways.

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