Anyone else have tidying issues?

Does anyone else have issues with tidying up and cleaning? I don't actually have a diagnosis but have strong traits of autism and probably some of adhd too. I find things like tidying, cleaning, doing the dishes etc incredibly difficult. It probably comes across as laziness but I quite literally cannot face doing these jobs and usually let them build up far too much so it's an absolute mission when I do do them. Does anyone else have this issue? And can anyone shed any light on why I find this so difficult or if there is anything I can do to make it easier?

  • Does anyone else have this issue? And can anyone shed any light on why I find this so difficult or if there is anything I can do to make it easier?

    ADHD would explain some of the issues with completing "chores". I amused the Hell out my psychiatrist by providing him with photo's of my home taken "before ritalin" and "after ritalin". 

    I realise this may not be an entirely popular suggestion, largely on environmental grounds. I quite often buy paper plates and plastic cutlery. Not having to do so much washing up is worth it.

    *runs away*

  • I'm so glad that you have commented this because I have thought about resorting to paper plates so many times. Never actually done it though. I'm interested that Ritalin improved your home. I definitely tick boxes for adhd but whether enough for a diagnosis I have no idea.

  • I'm so glad that you have commented this because I have thought about resorting to paper plates so many times. Never actually done it though. I'm interested that Ritalin improved your home. I definitely tick boxes for adhd but whether enough for a diagnosis I have no idea.

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