Anyone else have tidying issues?

Does anyone else have issues with tidying up and cleaning? I don't actually have a diagnosis but have strong traits of autism and probably some of adhd too. I find things like tidying, cleaning, doing the dishes etc incredibly difficult. It probably comes across as laziness but I quite literally cannot face doing these jobs and usually let them build up far too much so it's an absolute mission when I do do them. Does anyone else have this issue? And can anyone shed any light on why I find this so difficult or if there is anything I can do to make it easier?

  • Too right I have problems with cleaning, tidying etc.

    I have difficulties with initiating a task and breaking it down into small do-able actions. I don't get much satisfaction from ticking boxes, as each one moves me to another and they seem never ending.

    I can no longer cook in the kitchen because of the mess, so eat everything cold.

    A manager once said to me, "I don't know whether you work in organised chaos or you are chaotically organised" - ending up with my work was of high quality but she couldn't see how I managed it.

    I am beginning to suspect I have ADD as well as ASD.

    Plus anxiety and depression 

  • Too right I have problems with cleaning, tidying etc.

    I have difficulties with initiating a task and breaking it down into small do-able actions. I don't get much satisfaction from ticking boxes, as each one moves me to another and they seem never ending.

    I can no longer cook in the kitchen because of the mess, so eat everything cold.

    A manager once said to me, "I don't know whether you work in organised chaos or you are chaotically organised" - ending up with my work was of high quality but she couldn't see how I managed it.

    I am beginning to suspect I have ADD as well as ASD.

    Plus anxiety and depression 

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