Anyone else have tidying issues?

Does anyone else have issues with tidying up and cleaning? I don't actually have a diagnosis but have strong traits of autism and probably some of adhd too. I find things like tidying, cleaning, doing the dishes etc incredibly difficult. It probably comes across as laziness but I quite literally cannot face doing these jobs and usually let them build up far too much so it's an absolute mission when I do do them. Does anyone else have this issue? And can anyone shed any light on why I find this so difficult or if there is anything I can do to make it easier?

  • Yes i have tidying issues too, and gardening! (any housework really) i will tend to ignore or avoid housework for weeks, washing stuff as i need it etc, then suddenly ill get home from work one day and be overwhelmed with the mess and clutter and have a meltdown. Usually followed by a day of frantic cleaning, and then the cycle continues all over again

  • Hiya Jorgie here(aka Gorgia,but cant change on my profile it seems)Me too,unfortunatly my un tidyness has become bit of an issue with my 12 year old(probably as she lives with her neat freak dad!)

    So that has ment she has not being staying with me at weekends for a few months now,fortunatly we have finally come to a compramise,as I have said I will try and keep kitchen tidy(is always clean though)as apparently she needs plenty of space,just in case she wants to do some cooking,also she sugested moveing some stuff(which I didnt think of,and hate to say,did kind of make sense.)

    Am now glad to say,she has now said she wants to stay with me from weekend after next,and Xmas eve too :-).

  • Hiya Jorgie here(aka Gorgia,but cant change on my profile it seems)Me too,unfortunatly my un tidyness has become bit of an issue with my 12 year old(probably as she lives with her neat freak dad!)

    So that has ment she has not being staying with me at weekends for a few months now,fortunatly we have finally come to a compramise,as I have said I will try and keep kitchen tidy(is always clean though)as apparently she needs plenty of space,just in case she wants to do some cooking,also she sugested moveing some stuff(which I didnt think of,and hate to say,did kind of make sense.)

    Am now glad to say,she has now said she wants to stay with me from weekend after next,and Xmas eve too :-).

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