GP lied about referral. What can I do?


I’m 33 and female and went to speak to the GP about an autism assessment. He asked me a load of personal questions and I got a bit emotional answering him, but I felt really embarrassed more than anything. Answering a few random questions on the spot to justify something that makes sense because of a lifetime of a million little things rather than any one glaring symptom.

I think I’m perceived as mostly normal but inside I’m acutely aware of how much I’m having to concentrate and calculate my responses. Every day is an exam that I can score ok on but I’m perpetually revising. There are things I don’t even remember because I’m so practised in negating my reaction, I’m like an robot, until someone else points it out as one of their symptoms of their autism and I connect another dot.

He said that I might be but might not, he didn’t seem very knowledgeable, and that I’d have to travel to Sheffield. End of appointment.

I googled Sheffield and it seemed legit. I get the referral through and it’s to an anxiety and depression therapy agency in Derby.

The thing is that anxiety and depression are not part of my symptoms. My reactions are very internal and sometimes they explode out in private and other times I manage to swallow them deep until I can reason with myself somehow and let it go.

Anxiety and depression were not mentioned in the appointment either. Except as I was literally walking out of the room and he asked if I was depressed, he didn’t actually use that word, and I said no and he nodded and I left.

I have a telephone consultation booked when he gets back off his holiday (?!) so what can I say?


  • The first GP referred me to a mental health clinic and I then changed GPs and spoke to my local autistic trust, who helped me get a proper referral. 

    It's possible that your GP just does not know the difference between autism and mental health.

    Have you looked to see where the nearest autism diagnostic centre is near you? You may have to to another GP and give the details of an actual diagnostic centre so they know where to refer you.

  • The first GP referred me to a mental health clinic and I then changed GPs and spoke to my local autistic trust, who helped me get a proper referral. 

    It's possible that your GP just does not know the difference between autism and mental health.

    Have you looked to see where the nearest autism diagnostic centre is near you? You may have to to another GP and give the details of an actual diagnostic centre so they know where to refer you.

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