What would you like from a ASD Social Group

In lieu of appropriate social groups:  What would you like from a ASD social group?

i don’t do pubs and don’t like going out at night. 

So I thought cinema etc? 

  • I would like to find an Asperger's group which meets in my local area! (That would be a start.)

    One which meets in the daytime once a month, due to evening travel being unavailable in my immediate area, would be best.

    A warm, comfortable, indoor location with comfortable seating and refreshments available. No distractions, such as TV or crowds, and based on a casual conversational set-up but with the possibility for invited speakers. 

    It would be nice to meet other people facing similar challenges and share experiences and resources. Pretty much a live version of this forum but with people who additionally understand the local geographical issues that make accessing most services out there pretty much impossible from here. 

  • That's quite interesting really, isn't it, certainly something people potentially setting up such a group should consider. We would both get nothing out of the group that would be perfect for the other one. I would find your group terrifying, casual conversations in closed spaces, nothing else to do than talk - or not talk... You would really not like my outdoor one but for me walking is a much easier way to interact with people.

    Here (that's in the capital) they only have a monthly pizza club and and a weekly cafe thing, that's all that is available for adults, and some strange therapy group run by autistic hobby psychologists and philosophers that recommend reading How to win friends and influence people. Think I'm actually rather glad that they thought it would be a problem that I don't speak enough Norwegian...

  • I like pizza but I cannot really eat and talk at the same time. I can do only one of them at the same time.

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