What was your epiphany? how did you know/think you were ASD?

What led you seek diagnosis? 

  • A colleague at work, quite bizarrely I’ve always worked in this field, but never realised I fitted a lot of the key identiers. A colleague was diagnosed as a teenager, and asked my out of the blue about my diagnosis, I informed him I don’t have a diagnosis and don’t have Aspergers. He laughed and proceeded to list all my traits and pointed things out I’d never realised about myself until that moment. I came home and spent the next few weeks researching, doing the online tests, including empathy etc, speaking to my wife and looking back at my childhood.

  • A colleague at work, quite bizarrely I’ve always worked in this field, but never realised I fitted a lot of the key identiers. A colleague was diagnosed as a teenager, and asked my out of the blue about my diagnosis, I informed him I don’t have a diagnosis and don’t have Aspergers. He laughed and proceeded to list all my traits and pointed things out I’d never realised about myself until that moment. I came home and spent the next few weeks researching, doing the online tests, including empathy etc, speaking to my wife and looking back at my childhood.

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