Unable to wear clothes help needed

Hi all

My 6 year old has just been diagnosed.  She has been school refusing since October only managing half days or a few days. Currently she is unable to tolerate wearing any clothes apart from knickers and is refusing to leave the house.

Any advice or recommendations on what may help with sensory issues around clothes-she says it hurts and we have tried multiple clothes etc...and also any recommendations around help leaving the house? She cant even go out to do things she wants to do.


  • Hi,

    This is known as a 'hypersensitivity'.

    I can't go near velvet, which is fairly easy to avoid; however, as a child they tried to dress me up in pageboy trousers which I just wouldn't wear, so I threw a tantrum until they gave up.

    I am now in my seventies and still won't go near the stuff ...and that's final!


  • Hi,

    This is known as a 'hypersensitivity'.

    I can't go near velvet, which is fairly easy to avoid; however, as a child they tried to dress me up in pageboy trousers which I just wouldn't wear, so I threw a tantrum until they gave up.

    I am now in my seventies and still won't go near the stuff ...and that's final!


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