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POLL: Should the Community keep the Leader Board? Please vote.

Dear Community Members, 

We are aware that there have been a few discussions recently relating to the Community Leader Board, which is featured on the main page of the online community website. As a Community, we want to ensure that we are listening to our members and creating a community that is the best for it members. For this reason, we have decided to create this poll to decide whether the Leader Board should stay as a feature or be removed. 

Please vote before 31st August 2017, as this will be the date the poll will end. 

We will take the final poll results into consideration, but please note that the final decision will be confirmed by the NAS Moderators. 

Thank you!

  • No. Feeling very low. Clearly not suited to expectations required. Just going for short walk with a friend. Thanks Elephant. 

  • Are you ok lovely? 

  • Under the rules it says 

    "Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others"

    All we were doing was being nice to one another and enjoying chatting. Our conversations evolve and we often answer one another's queries as we go along as we think of them as you would in a conversation... Maybe it is too informal for some but I like it. 

  • I think it can be seen by the different suggestions and questions that what was a simple topic has become counterproductive.

    Questions about RSS feeds, knowing who is online, etc. can more easily, and more helpfully, be answered within their appropriate separate topics.

    A little guidance from the moderators would not go amiss.

  • Spotty Tortoise said:
    this is the most spectacularly off topic forum I've ever seen!

    And all the worse for it.

  • There is no need to apologise. I should have explained my reasoning.

    I just thought that your posting would be more likely to be read by more people if it appeared as its own topic (with a suitable heading). A topic entitle 'POLL: Should the Community keep the Leader Board? Please vote.' does not seem a likely place to look for further ideas.

  • Yes it would but I don't know h o w to do that. I don't know what RSS feeds are I don't want to know how many posts people have made or who has more or less than other people. Or the chance my name might end up there. I do like knowing who may have experience of forums though sort of like a guide. I think it's part of settings if you end up on there but I don't know? !  There is a huge range of IT skills on here ranging from those of us who get by to those of you with lots .. and it shows! 

  • I agree with Spotty, about it being counter productive, However its nice to know who is around and online! Sometimes you just want to have a natter or a laugh, and knowing who's about at any given time would be nice

  • Oh dear I haven't got a clue what an RSS feed is? To keep on topic,just what is the leader board showing us.? 

    Is it content? Of postings?

    total number or user responses?

    I see one individual quite low on the leader board hasn't posted in ages! I have posted quite a lot today but not mentioned in the rankings?

    so if I have to interpret it then it means that each one of us assumes it means.

    I am not here because I am an articulate individual with a degree in website design or I T specialist sorry if I don't fit but that's me.

  • Thank you yet again Spotty. That's exactly what I was thinking about the teens 20's idea. 

    I did think it was relevant but as we have found out we don't all necessarily agree.. 

    We seem to think on different tangents and links perhaps others wouldn't! 

  • I think your ideas are good Misfit, some discussions are appropriate to everyone and of course anyone is welcome to pitch in, but teens and twenties have very different life experience and sometimes I wonder if we are drowning them out as older adults?

    Also think it was a valid place to post it, it is relevant and as some other threads clearly demonstrate this is the most spectacularly off topic forum I've ever seen!

  • I do apologise caretwo. I know the moderator did say if we had other ideas about the forum we should say so. I thought it was here but apparently not. I don't have separate software on my phone. 

  • As this topic is a poll about the leader board, I believe your posting would better as a separate topic.

    Having said that, I am not sure if the community is aimed at children; if not then the existing groups seem fine as the title of the group for adults is 'Autistic adults' (and that covers adult teenagers and those in their twenties).

    Regarding missing posts, people can use the RSS feeds to be notified of all new topics in their chosen group(s) and then turn on reply notifications for those topics of interest. I use Feedly for my RSS feeds but there are various other options such separate software (e.g. QuiteRSS).

  • Another idea for our forum.. I think the 5 heading groups should be extended to have a "Teens and 20's" section. They don't necessarily fit in with parents and carers and they don't fit in quite the same with older adults. They sort of get missed in the middle and need a place. ? Also it does concern me that new people and also some other posts get missed and unless you go to unanswered posts don't get replies.. which must be disheartening.. not sure what you can do about that though 

  • Missed you guys too.,,.maybe we should start a new thread called...the rock to crawl under...?

  • I concur...I have missed you all today....

  • We can't let her 'win' I'm so pissed off, it's not fair to feel that we have to crawl back under our stones. x

  • Same as you....wary, missing you, Misfit, et was really lovely last night to feel the wealth of support from LoneWarrior etc...,,this is SO sad

  • I'm ok but feeling a little wary of sayng much for fear of being pounced on. You ok?