Adult with possible undiagnosed autism

I am over fifty, just wondering if it is worth pursuing a diagnosis or a waste of time. I have worked in Education for a long time and always suspected that I have traits.

Since childhood, I have always struggled with social situations, avoiding them whenever possible. Always used to be possessive about friends, couldn’t cope with friends from one part of my life meeting friends from another part.

Always been at peace only when alone. Hate changes of routine. Struggle with relationships, find loss of space very difficult. Had a few periods of depression, usually when in long term relationships, even if happy.

Have worked all my life, but found it exceptionaly exhausting, particularly when living with others. When I lived alone and came home from work to complete peace, I coped. Whenever I have lived with a long term partner ( hardlyy ever), I experience stress if don’t get some time alone at home. Recently, with age as well as this, I have had work difficulties and had to leave my long-term career for much less secure employment.

I get totally exhausted if anything changes e.g. if I cannot use my usual routes. Also, if things get moved in the home. On moving house, it has always taken me 4-5 years to settle in. I do have an amazing talent for remembering certain things...faces, car number plates, phone numbers. I can recognise people I haven’t seen since childhood. Also, have recognised strangers from a meal in a restaurant a long time afterwards etc...I can remember all the car number plates from my parents and my cars over the years for no,apparent reason.

I score 37 on an online AQ.

  • Sorry to reply to myself, but I forgot to mention, I also go from one obsessive hobby to another, always have done. If it isn’t a pet ( I long since stopped having pets as I realised boredom set in after the obsession) or some sort of craft it is a musical instrument or a TV programme. It is always the be all and end all, I start planning to make a business out of it etc...etc...then on to the next thing.

    Also, I had imaginary friends ( two) and meltdowns as a child til my early teens, in early childhood I would tie myself into a tight ball which my parents could not open up. I was even taken to the GP about it as my parents thought there was a serious problem. I still easily get into foul tempers with those I love and trust to do so.

  • Yes... it all sounds very familiar!

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