Friendship issues

Whenever I get close to people they leave.  I cannot hold a strong, close friendship with anyone for more than a couple of years as they always end up leaving me.  Unfortunately, my mental health falls apart whenever this happens, my depression and anxiety gets a lot worse as I always feel that there is something wrong with me or that I am a horrible person.

Just wondering if anyone else feel this way?

  • Think I might do that. Thanks again xx

  • If you want to meet nice females then introduce yourself in the current thread with the non seriouse title that has heffalumps and skinny beans in it,Warning it may contain nuts!(joke) .

  • Thanks Lonewarrior and its great because everyone here understands and are really supportive. Everyone supports each other which is really nice. () xx

  • Holly as a 55 year old male I to have exactly the same as you and Ellie,have been let down a few times,been used and taken advantage of.

    I want nothing more in life than someone who understands me,the real me.I am extremely fortunate to have a very patient wife,I am not easy to live with but she manages somehow.poor girl.

    I gave up looking for a true best mate long ago,Maybe my expectations were to high?

    However it may sound small but meeting other folks on here that really know what I am has been the best thing ever, honestly we have up days and down days,yes we can be sensitive and fragile.But we support each other through the ups and downs.

    I have a spare hug if you would like? () that's an autistic hug btw,hug,

  • I also fear getting really close to people now because every time I do I end up getting hurt.  Sometimes I feel like it would be so much easier on my own, separated from the rest of the world, as then no-one could hurt you.

  • Sorry to hear that and yes its so hard.  A part of me wants to be on my own but a huge part of me craves acceptance, I just hate the thought of people not liking me for any reason.  Unfortunately my self esteem is rock bottom too which means I get easily depressed and upset.  Also doesn't help that I care way too much about what people think of me and I am so sensitive as well as being very oversensitive to my emotions.  It really is horrible isn't it... the desire to just be accepted by the people you love and anyone generally, just to feel slightly less alien. xxx

  • Yes...

    mother walked out when I was 14

    then after a couple of years moved in with her

    tgen she kicked me out

    2 years homeless

    1 x failed marriage

    no friends

    mother hasn't spoken to me for 3 yrs

    ....nor has my sister 

    it is tough, isn't it...fear of isolation, fear if trying to bond with others..

    unfortunately my self worth/esteem has now whittled yo nothing and leads me at risk if being exploited by others as I crave acceptance xxx