I prefer not to be contacted by phone, so please contact me via my email address.

The following website offers great service.


A phone number that says:

"trueCall38 is handling my calls. I prefer not to be contacted by phone, so please contact me via my email address. Goodbye!".

This is very helpful.

I think other autistic people could benefit from this service.

  • Thanks for posting this, California.  A useful resource.

    E-mail for me - if it's urgent.  Otherwise, letter.  Letter-writing is an art that needs to be kept alive!

    I had an awful job trying to persuade my brother of this preference, and of the reasons for it.  He couldn't get it, though.  'I prefer to speak to someone properly.'  Well... in that sense, maybe it's good that we no longer have any contact.

  • I always experience high anxiety levels when opening new threads.

    Thank you for saying Thank you to me. This means a lot to me!

    I like and prefer E-mail. Even E-mail sometimes make me really anxious.

    Letters are also good.

    The worst for me are phones and face to face.

    I also need time process the information, think about everything carefully and prepare a response.

  • I always experience high anxiety levels when opening new threads.

    Thank you for saying Thank you to me. This means a lot to me!

    I like and prefer E-mail. Even E-mail sometimes make me really anxious.

    Letters are also good.

    The worst for me are phones and face to face.

    I also need time process the information, think about everything carefully and prepare a response.

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