Dose anyone wonder if Autism is the next stage of human evolution ?

It seems a lot of Autistic folks have shaped our world, maybe the stigma of autism is that normal people are scared of the evolutions next step.

We are not better than normal people, we are just different and that scares them, I know there is a spectrum where some people can cope better than others.

Its information overload which can be difficult to decipher.

I have recently self diagnosed with Autism, I think its caused by a  gene mutation in DAT1 which is over expressed as a dopamine reuptake channel. 
This means that dopamine, is sucked out of its receptor site before it can do its job, so this leads to anxiety for no reason and studies have shown anxiety affects memory.

So anxiety causes a cloudy head and difficulty in communication, which might make it hard for people as they don't know what to say, this becomes a negative feed back loop.

History’s 30 Most Inspiring People on the Autism Spectrum

  • It's not the next stage, it's always been there. Temple Grandin believes if it wasn't for autistic people, humanity would still be sitting around in caves chatting. Perhaps an extreme view, but I believe we need both neurotypes. This is a.list I sent my colleagues in autism acceptance week, to highlight the strengths of each:

    Neurotypical abilities

    Good verbal communication skills
    Communicates non verbally with facial expression & body language
    Recognises & responds to another person's facial expression & body language
    Can shift attention from one task to another
    Multi-tasking ability
    Able to work collaboratively
    Can perform well under pressure
    Can tune out multiple environmental stimuli (sounds, smells etc.)
    Able to see the "big picture" (Complete & overarching idea)

    Autistic abilities

    Attention to detail
    Able to focus intently on a topic or goal
    Good long term memory
    In depth knowledge
    Methodical & analytical approach (can spot patterns & repetitions)
    Good at problem solving
    Creative thinker
    Able to work effectively in isolation

    Teams incorporating both both neurotypes can achieve more than neurotypical only teams.

  • Great list!

    The definition of neurotypical is actually not neurodivergent,  it’s not synonymous with non autistic. The word that you would be looking for is allistic or non autistic.

    This is a really important distinction as the identity of neurodivergent is not only for us autistics/ADHDers but anyone who diverges from neuro normativity including but not limited to people with mental health needs, learning disability, traumatic brain injuries etc and many others.

    Here is a graphic that explains my point perfectly:

  • Great list!

    The definition of neurotypical is actually not neurodivergent,  it’s not synonymous with non autistic. The word that you would be looking for is allistic or non autistic.

    This is a really important distinction as the identity of neurodivergent is not only for us autistics/ADHDers but anyone who diverges from neuro normativity including but not limited to people with mental health needs, learning disability, traumatic brain injuries etc and many others.

    Here is a graphic that explains my point perfectly:

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