Rename Aspergers “Wingers Syndrome”

If Aspergers should be renamed why not call it:

”Wingers Syndrome”

After Lorna Winger?

  • Ah. W(h)inger's Syndrome?

    Sorry, we weren't born yesterday... SmirkRolling eyes

  • Always thinking I'm right and then thinking I'm still right if someone trys to prove I'm not right lol

  • That's a funny one. Is the problem being right, or always thinking you're right? That's not exclusively autistic. There's also the Cassandra Complex, after which I named myself, which is partly about not being taken seriously.

    Earlier discussion about this here. I think Wing's Syndrome was suggested  My suggestion was Frankl's Spectrum or Frankl's Syndrome, after Georg and Anni Frankl who worked with Asperger (I think) before he started sending children to their deaths, and then with Leo Kanner in the USA (who abused and mistreated autistic children via institutionalisation that probably also led to early death). 'Syndrome' is a dubious word to me, because it implies several related 'symptoms' with a common underlying cause, rather than a 'constellation' or 'spectrum' of traits.

    Choosing Frankl would also make us Franklies, which I thought appropriate.

  • How about "I'm always right syndrome"