I need to earn money.

Hi all. I'm new here (and relatively newly diagnosed) and need to vent.

I'm 31 and have struggled since I was 17 to enter 'the world of work'. Over the years I've been in and out of university and college, I've had short term part time jobs, I've done a part apprenticeship and I've been self-employed. I've been unemployed for around 5 years now (currently taking a break from being a student at the Open University) and I need to earn money. I live with my fiancé and as soon as we moved in together, I lost my entitlement to half of the disability benefits I was on, so now I'm on half of what I was on when I lived with my parents. I am so sick of being poor - I need to find a way to bring in the rest of the money I lost but I'm at a loss.

I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and POTS as well as Autism. I'm not a simple person to employ by any means - I can only cope with people in small bursts and I HATE talking on the phone. So what on earth can I do to earn money???? Any ideas??? I'm desperate.

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