Criminal Justice System

I am totally prepared to start a campaign if there is not one to support ASD Adults going to court on criminal convictions. There are NO specialist solicitors. The Police are dreadful not trained completely for ASD.  The courts need to improve advocate support inside then just a solicitor alone then generally get guilty pleas instead of looking at the whole. ASD sadly do not always have a voice and always go along with solicitors bad advice. I would like to see solicitors and courts support cases where ASD and social isolation to be taken seriously in any charges and always seek reports as protocol when is known ASD person is before the courts. Can anyone help me know how to improve the system where guilty pleas are forced then the truth and innocence is lost due to ASD going along with early guilty pleas when innocent to criminal convictions then the entire?

  • Thanks for the link. I know people who have looked for specialist solicitors for adults with ASD and learning disabilities training of care act find none available in the local areas. Perhaps it's poor duty of care by the solicitors, where the courts do not acknowledge ASD due to this? Arresting officers were informed, but covered and lied in reports to CPS. Had complained to IPCC, who came back with a report more putting down defendant and family, then actually investigating the lack of duty of care. ASD and learning disabilities are easy pickings by the looks of things sadly. We have Asperger's Adults pleading guilty to things without support! Early guilty pleas are drummed into all on posters in the courts, then support posters. This encouraging early guilty pleas are not a fair trial. Mitigation seems thrown out of the window and not spoke about because of this. Unfair when this happens. Where are the specialist solicitors? They are needed.

  • My biggest concern are police interrogation procedures that attempt to wrongfoot the suspect and put words into their mouth. The police have also been known to fabricate evidence in order to increase the likelihood of a guilty plea.

    There has been much concern how the police use cautions to dispose of minor offences without properly explaining how they are retained on the PNC for DBS checks.

    Even the payment of a fine at a court (for an offence as trivial as dropping litter) will invalidate a home or car insurance policy and will ramp up premiums when taking out a policy in the future.

  • The Courts, Tribunals and legal advocates do already have access to this guidance:

    I personally think the guidance is very good, but that the issue arises more in regard to it actually being implemented during cases.