Looking for advice on PIP and Job Center

Hello, I'm 23 (24 in 9 days) and I have recently, at the start of December, been officially diagnosed as being on the Autism Spectrum, something that has taken the better part of 18 years to get. Following this Autism diagnosis I had a visit from PIP, and yesterday, on Monday, I received the judgement which scored us 0 points (but I doubt anyone on here is hardly surprised) and I'm also having some difficulty at the Job Center (luckily I now have an appointment with my work coach to discuss the diagnosis and make changes to my work thingamajig), Primarily I'm looking for advice on both of these, one on how to best tackle PIP with making a mandatory appeal, as well all stages of the process, and with the Job Center, as my parents are hoping to get me onto ESA so I can better cope with my job search.

I'm also feeling quite pessimistic about my chances of getting a job, despite having an Counterbalance FLT licence again since the start of December, as I'm also aware that having a disability can put a black mark on any applications I would be making, and due to bad experiences I want to also avoid working for an Agency.

Parents Reply
  • My Autism is quite mild so there is a chance yet I can get in, the real problem is going to be my Asthma which is triggered only through my Allergies (never had an attack though and only diagnosed with such in August).

    Edit: I was talking to my mum about it, apparently I'm on the Autistic Spectrum, so not really coming under Autism but personally I see no real difference. I'll correct the OP anyway.

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