Another Aspergers quiz ... for those who like Aspergers quizzes

I enjoyed the following quiz:

taken from Cynthia Kim's "Musings of an Aspie" website:

  • I think first with self, then with others, but not in the traditional sense of relationships, not the nt sense anyway. But more about relationships in general, with ourselves, each other, the world, with our things, our thoughts, everything really, I think life is all about relationships. It’s funny this should come up though just when I was thinking not only am I not ever going to have any relationships with anybody, ever again, but I’m also never going to speak again!!! The decision to never talk again though didn’t last long! Lol! 

  • I like that Ellie and it fits perfectly :) 

  • I'm OK thanks Ellie ...suffering from a little bit of a vacuum post diagnosis coming to the realisation that very few people in my life of the ones I've told understand what my diagnosis actually means...some family members appear to not give a monkeys or just dont want to discuss it, I expected this of some but one particular cousin who I thought I was close to has proven otherwise which I'm quite sad about as he was the closest thing I had to a brother... so my adjustment has been to just try and be nice to myself and cut myself some slack, something I'm not great at but at least I have control over that.

    Are you any closer yet to deciding whether to get a diagnosis or not?

  • LOL yep I can see what you are getting at.... I'm nothing like Bart tho.... closer to his dad but without the love of sports and beer

  • Jonesy, yours reminds me of Bart Simpson. Do you have any similarities to any of the simpsons? 

  • Thank you Jonesy... you are a wondrous singing Nefertiti! Hope all is well with you 

  • Hi Ellie good to see you are still about! Your score has a similar shape to mine...

  • With self... or another?

    Mine reflects my single pointed focus on what I believe to be the key to salvation ~ relationship
  • Hey you!

    What a memory you have!...Currently wearing armbands and a rubber ring!! - I'll keep checking the horizon. My distress flare got soggy!

    An ASPIE Nefertiti eh!

    BlueRay... you are a butterfly... resting beautifully and protecting your wings from the NT side of life!

  • That’s really interesting, Ellie’s depiction (not sure if that’s the right word, it sounds good to me though) of the Egyptian Emperor. It made me look at mine. Mine reflects my single pointed focus on what I believe to be the key to salvation ~ relationship. 

    I’ll see if I can post it. 

  • Hi Ellie, really missed you, Yes your beautiful Egyptian styled score is a reflection of you.

    Keep your chin up above the water level. You can’t drown as you have our ship to cling onto and we will all pull you up on board,

    I seem to remember your score was,



    So glad you popped back to say hi. 


  • Thank you, our scores are very similar. Even including that my only NT result is a spike in the relationship section. I don't like the sound of a  league table,  never have been very good with competitions. I'm pretty convinced at the moment that my diagnosis from assessment is going to come back saying that I'm very normal, so this test was somewhat reassuring.

    Thank you for my virtual hug.  

  • Hi Lone 

    still go my score.....

    missing you and Spotty, Missfit et al....I sailed off the find Aspie utopia...then got grounded by a group of hidden underwater rocks called the Neutrotypical Needless...and then cast adrift by a nasty undercurrent...

    i can now wave and drown at the same time! Lol x

  • Hi song, sorry I didn’t get a notification of your reply. How interesting your score is similar to mine.

    We all we’re doing the test back four months ago and it was a time When many new friendships were made, it cheers me to go back and see the carefree exchanges we shared, 

    we have each kind of drifted a little, but friends who will never be forgotten and will always be around should a need arise, 

    @ Elephantintheroom,

    @ Spotty tortoise.

    @ misfit61.

    and many others who joined in and gave happiness and understanding,

    we all kind of came here around about the same time which was a weird time as this forum was undergoing a new change in layout, sadly many left, some didn’t agree with the lack of formality. Off topic was a big contentious point.

    some of us were rebellious, we voted to have the leader board removed, it was a league table, no one wanted to be at the top or be seen to be better or higher in any way. It was removed due to popular agreement.

    we set up areas within the forum for random light hearted topics, it helped us all. We would spend a great deal of time and energy trying to help newcomers as best we could, it inevitably caused us to feel drained and we needed a time to recharge,

    a time to lift our spirits. A time to act like our inner denied childhoods, we could play and be imaginative.

    it worked, 

    People do come and go, but one thing is for sure, everyone that comes here with Autism has been kind and understanding,

    no one  judges anyone else, we just all try to get by wth support and understanding.

    well I certainly paint a pretty picture.

    it was and still is. Take care and welcome aboard,

    aspie hugs are my speciality. They are virtual and you need not accept one,


    Oh and I am a fifty five year old Male with unique wiring Lol.

    I will leave that one to explain another day.

  • I thought I would give this a go

    Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 191 of 200
    Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 13 of 200
    You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)

    I can't work out how t post my graph sorry

    50 Year Old female

  • Yeah, that’s what I thought. It’s a marvel to see how much I actually used to mask, I think I deserve an Oscar, I think we all do. We’re marvellous, so many talents just there. I must admit though, that I have far more fun stimming in public and being me than I ever did masking. My score this time was 192/100 and 14/200, which indicates I very likely am autistic! Lol! I love these quizzes and they’re so revealing. I’m going through the questions and saying, oh, that’s autism, I thought that was just me! Lol! It’s so empowering to finally be me. I stopped taking the anti depressants and I feel sooooooo much better, I’m upsetting people left right and centre so I know I’m getting back to myself, I just need to work on the communication skills at some point! 

  • I would guess at your being more honest. The months following my diagnosis, I felt more autistic as I became more aware of my use of masking techniques and was thus able to lessen them, i.e. I was able to be more honest with myself.

  • I think I’m becoming even more aspie (YaY) as my score this time, was slightly higher than before ~ either that or I’m just getting more honest! 

  • Success! Now to see how long before the image vanishes.

    date  post above was edited is ,






  • Well I decided to do the test again, I wanted to see how my mood would effect my answers.basically looking for answers, something to blame for my current mind set on.

    My mood currently is a mixture of,sadness,worry,confusion,disbelief in myself. A cocktail of negatives.shacken and stirred.

    So I am thinking my high aspie score is the reason, cause and effect.

    I was secretly hoping my score would drop significantly. I did not lie, I was very honest even though I was looking for a low score.

    The results are not what I wanted to see!

    it does show how the test can vary though.

    so emotional state can effect the results, it is therefore flawed.

    I will do it again if I climb back up out of this dark hole and find the light.

    Results are:

    ND /aspie score=190-200.

    NT /Non Autistic =23=200.


    reason for reposting is that the image vanished,

    ok so about to try and add a screen captured image of my results to the aspie quiz.

    the reply above has no image as do any of the others,

    date 26:02:2018,
