What was your epiphany? how did you know/think you were ASD?

What led you seek diagnosis? 

  • I'm not a big fan of 'maybe' either. Probably that ol' black & white thing coming out!!

  • Agreed. NTs like a box....and diagnosis can give certainty, reassurance, and self validation 

  • I do think self-understanding is the most important thing to get out of this. It already explains so much of why I am who I am. Society is hung up on labels, but as Spotty Tortoise said on another post, maybe having the label will at least put paid to the well-meaning "you can't have an ASD because .... " comments of well-meaning, but poorly informed, people!

  • Good to hear from you and good luck with your forthcoming assessment. I'm 42, female and have an AQ score of 46....but yet to brave a referral request but am happy with who I am, and at present, happy to be self-diagnosed.

    Please don't over analyse if the assessment says no...society is so hung up on labels (so NT! - hehe)..when the key thing is being able to understand ourselves and how we work so that we can go about this life without causing too much damage!! Slight smile

    BTW - glad you have found an expert who specialises in AS in women and girls.  Do let me know how you get on!! 

  • For me it was an online article that I was casually reading one lunchtime, about a woman in her 40s who had just been diagnosed with Aspergers. Nearly choked on my sandwich, this was me all over, every bit of it. Then followed obsessive research into the subject, including Tania Marshall's female Asperger traits list (like Elephant, it would have been quicker to cross off the ones that didn't apply than to tick the ones that did). So then I was sure and wow, the relief to know that the tangled heap of weirdness that typifies my life to date has a single explanation!! 

    I am currently self-diagnosed but add to the above AQ score of 37 and aspie quiz 140-something ND, 50-odd NT and there is not much doubt left in my mind. I am off for a formal assessment in a couple of weeks .... which I am jointly excited and terrified by. The expert who will be assessing me specialises in AS in women and girls and has said that based on the evidence I have provided to date, there is a distinct possibility that AS could be the explanation. I honestly don't know what I will do if the answer is no it's not though. I am so sure it is, I can't really compute a negative answer. I am like a cat on hot bricks waiting, that's for sure.

  • Like you, I started to see patterns, then looked at Aspie women’s traits....I printed off Tania Marshall’s checklist and highlighted the areas I identified with.....it would have been quicker to highlight the areas I didn’t? Then an AQ test.......then lots of reading and academic papers, then joining here which sparked even more identification 

  • It’s definitely you! Lol (joke)

  • I started seeing patterns and wondered that it might be me and not them! 

  • Still to seek a formal diagnosis but presently self diagnosed.

    the epiphany was having everything change over the past couple of years...new job, new relationship, moved house etc and was still not content.....the “problem” was me! 

  • My ex was the catalyst, mentioning things. Then I heard spouses of aspergers on the Jeremy Vine show and it was everything the ex said.  Short while after I was advised to get tested for dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, ADD and aspergers, I phoned dyslexia helpline and they told me to get tested for aspergers.  I did online searches and it was mixed emotions of upset and elation as I found out about it and understood certain things and other things made more sense.