Mainstream school with Autism Unit - Bucks, Berks, Surrey, Wilts, Oxfordshire


I am hoping to move so that my daughter can enrol in a school that has an Autism unit, although she isn't statemented so she won't be 'in' the unit, just the mainstream school that the unit is attached to.  But I am OK with that because I have been told the teachers in such a school are usually more 'Autism Aware'.

SO, does anyone know a secondary school with a good reputation in Bucks, Berks, Surrey, Wilts or Oxfordshire?  Any names will do, I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed about where to search.  It has to be within an hour, hour and a halfs drive of Reading.

I have looked on the Autism Directory but I want verbal recommendations from other parents... Thank-you so much xx

  • Hi - Great Marlow School in Marlow highly recommended.  Does not have an ARP unit but I understand an EHCP is needed for unit.  Furze Platt, Maidenhead does have unit (Berkshire) and also good reputation.

    Would recommend applying for an EHCP - parent can do this now.  Parent partnership (known as SENDIAS now give impartial advice for the process).  IPSEA are very helpful also.

    Good luck and hope you find the right place.


  • Hi - Great Marlow School in Marlow highly recommended.  Does not have an ARP unit but I understand an EHCP is needed for unit.  Furze Platt, Maidenhead does have unit (Berkshire) and also good reputation.

    Would recommend applying for an EHCP - parent can do this now.  Parent partnership (known as SENDIAS now give impartial advice for the process).  IPSEA are very helpful also.

    Good luck and hope you find the right place.


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