Violent behaviour

The school has alerted me to my son displaying violent behaviour at school this week, this is an escalation for him. He’s 6 and diagnosed recently after awaiting diagnosis for 3 years. He uses ear defenders, a soft toy and chewable fidget at school.

I’m setting up a meeting with them next week and I’m just looking for advice from parents who might have experienced this as to what to expect and what I should be asking for or suggesting when it comes to support.

He has had change lately that I think is impacting his behaviour, but he’s always struggled socially. Any advice happily received!

  • Hello, as suggested, it's definitely worth contact parent to parent support. 

    My son has always displayed aggressive behaviour unfortunately. I'm called in on a weekly basis for my son and having to be his advocate because usually 9 times out of 10 his needs and requirements have not been met. 

    I would firstly find out what triggered this behaviour number 1. If as you say it was "violent" and it doesn't sound like this is the regular for your child, then something has triggered this behaviour. Once you have established what triggered the behaviour, then you can go forward from there and what you and the school can do to move forward to try to prevent this scenario happening again. 

    If there is any change going on in your child's life too, it definitely worth telling the school upfront about this before hand too. So you can work together. Even if it seems "irrelevant" to anyone else. To your child, it may be a huge deal. For my son (also 6) even if he had a minor change in the morning, it can effect his whole day.

    Definitely worth contacting your local SEND info hub. They can offer lots of advice with schooling. 

  • Dear NAS96749,

    Thank you for sharing this with our community. While we are waiting for the community to respond, you may like to contact our Parent-to-Parent service, who offer a confidential telephone helpline, providing emotional support (via a one-off call) to parents and carers, of autistic children. 

    The volunteers are all parents of a child or adult with autism and can provide a listening ear, understanding and a chance to talk things through. 

     You may like to talk about your child (or grown up child) who has received an ASD diagnosis, is awaiting a diagnosis, or maybe has identified signs of autism. 

    After the call, volunteers send information which may be helpful for that family.   

    You can find further information about the service and an online enquiry form here: 

    Thank you. I hope this helps!

    Warm regards,

    Eunice Mod