Intentional Urination in bed

Looking for advice for our 5 year old son diagnosed with ASD. He has been fully toilet trained for 18 months but for the past 8 weeks has been intentionally wetting in his bed, our bed or on his windowsill. We know it’s intentional because he is dry at school and whenever he is out of the house and he seems to enjoy laying or sitting in the urine (he is a sensory seeker). I don’t want to go back to nappies because that feels like a step back when he has been in pants for 18 months but I’m at a loss at what to do. To confirm, he doesn’t wet in his sleep, and he waits until he is alone to do it so we know that, whilst it is in response to a sensory need, he does still have bladder control. Thanks. 

  • Yes, I second what JLyn says. Maybe make it so that he can have a pot, a flask, some sort of container to go in. I often prefer to go in a pot anyway and I'm a grown man. Perhaps it's feeling clos to the olden days with the chamber pot instead of braving the outhouse. But anyway, it might help him to know that he can 'pee in his room' still but without getting the bed soaked. Good luck. Thumbsup tone1

  • I don't really know the answer to this but wonder if you provide a pot so he can pee in this in his room. And say if he enjoys warm water feeling he can ask for a nice warm bath instead as a reward? I hope you soon find the way to support your son x