Fit to travel documentation

My 6 year old is at the start of our journey. He is awaiting an autism assessment, it's obviously going to be a long 2 year wait.

We are due to go on holiday in August, I have notified our travel insurance that he is awaiting an assessment. They have gone through all their relevant questions and have said that while we are awaiting an assessment/diagnosis then each time we go on holiday we need a fit to travel letter from his GP or a note on his GP records stating that he his fit to travel.

I've just phoned my GP surgery to find out how I go about doing this and they said there would be a £40 charge as it comes under private services.

Does this sound right to you? It's not our/his fault he is awaiting a diagnosis and I'm just trying to go though the correct channels to make sure everything is in place. I will obviously pay it if I need to but just wanted to know if others have had to go through this route?

  • Frankly, the insurance company is being petty and small minded with this unreasonable demand - this needs to be robustly challenged, preferably in a court of law and I would suggest contacting your MP about this - I would also speak to a Solictor (or better still, a Barrister) about the possibility of taking legal action against the insurance company, as it sounds as if they are breaking the law somewhere, not least disability discrimination laws