Advice about diagnosis

I went through the private route to have my 6 year old son assessed and he masks. He is awaiting nhs assessment too. The assessment has come back saying there is definite issues but because nothing was picked up at school and he was observed to be ok/ school report said was fine a diagnosis was not able to be made. They said he needs to display these issues in 2 different settings. At home and even in public settings his behaviour is challenging and life is very difficult. Wondering if anyone else had any experience? Feeling frustrated. Thanks 

  • Oh yes I am hearing the same thing from a number of parents in the village I live in who suspect their children are autistic. The village primary school wants nothing to do with autism assessments and has denied that any of the children exhibit characteristics. It's abundantly clear just from watching them play outside my house which ones need assessing. 

    Basically they are still only assessing the children who have extremely difficult lives.  if you can get by they aren't interested. My mate is about to demand assessment for her son from the GP because school are being so unreasonable. 

  • Oh yes I am hearing the same thing from a number of parents in the village I live in who suspect their children are autistic. The village primary school wants nothing to do with autism assessments and has denied that any of the children exhibit characteristics. It's abundantly clear just from watching them play outside my house which ones need assessing. 

    Basically they are still only assessing the children who have extremely difficult lives.  if you can get by they aren't interested. My mate is about to demand assessment for her son from the GP because school are being so unreasonable. 
