Hi All, I have a brother with Autism / Asperger's - he is 37 years old, lives with my dad. He is anxious and angry a lot of the time, has regular meltdowns (the smallest thing can trigger a meltdown such as if i touch his mug, even to wash it up) and will not leave the house despite lots of encouragement. In fact the last time he left the house was around 5 years ago and stays in his bedroom with the curtains closed a lot. My mum cant cope and left many years ago and my dad does very well caring for my brother, but is getting old with health issues. My Dad wants to move house, downsize somewhere closer to services. My brother is not coping with the idea of moving at all and will not allow us to decorate his bedroom for viewings etc.
We have had support from the local council who sent various lovely social workers around over the years to chat to my brother and help try to integrate him back into society, but he is generally pretty horrible to them and eventually they stop coming. My brother refuses to move into any supported living / independent housing and won't consent to any support.
Does anyone have experience in moving house with a vulnerable and anxious / angry adult? Or helping the adult to live more independently in their own place?
I live 100 miles away from my dad and brother but visit regularly. I really want to help them to do this as calmly and positively as possible.
Thank You