
My nearly six year will only wear his school uniform and PE kit to school. At home he will only wear about half a dozen tops, all of which are getting too small for him and aren’t always suitable for the climate. We have the six week holiday coming up, we plan to go out and about and we’ve booked to go on holiday for a few days. I have bought and other people have bought him new summer and winter tops but he just won’t wear them. My Mum managed to get a T shirt that fits him still once and if his in the mood and having a good day his TAs can get him into a new or different top on non uniform day. My concern is how we will get on when we are on holiday? He happily stays at home in just his pants if we don’t go out.

Parents Reply
  • Yes it is hard, have spent many hours trying to find acceptable clothes, often due to sensory issues. Another thought, not sure if he copes with shops, would it help if he is with you when choosing clothes. If we have to go to a shop we go early in the day before too busy.
