recommendation for a safe online space for those who love Minecraft.

Both my autistic children have a special interest in Minecraft, which threw me into the Minecraft world as I felt I should support them, they learned so much from it, it really improved their communication skills, the understanding of the online world and have even made life long friends.

There is a small UK community that is slowly growing called Famallama. Its got a website, its a family friendly place and it catered for the needs of those with Autism or any other neurodiverse condition. Its whitelisted so you have to apply to join and you can only play on it once you have been accepted, you have to fill out an online form. They have a twitter too, and a facebook page so theyre easy to contact if any issues occur.  Its well worth a look as family friendly servers catered to our kids needs are hard to find. 

  • There are a lot of cool servers that are nice to play on. Thanks for sharing one of them. I will go there. On the expanses of the internet, I have very often encountered low-quality content servers. Some of them exist with viruses at all. And some scammers try to cash in and sell access to private servers. I think this is silly, as there are many good places where you can comfortably play the game. I, for example, found for myself the site, which collected servers with a large number of game modes. I advise you to try to find something for yourself.

  • There are a lot of cool servers that are nice to play on. Thanks for sharing one of them. I will go there. On the expanses of the internet, I have very often encountered low-quality content servers. Some of them exist with viruses at all. And some scammers try to cash in and sell access to private servers. I think this is silly, as there are many good places where you can comfortably play the game. I, for example, found for myself the site, which collected servers with a large number of game modes. I advise you to try to find something for yourself.

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